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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/05/13 in all areas

  1. There is a worrying underlying trend in the media to highlight acts of muslim extremism; of course, where it is the core of an incident such as this it needs to be part of the story, but the vein portrayed is that of 'Islam is evil'; it's not, it's no more evil that Christianity, for example. I have been appalled - and still am - at some of the comments on my Facebook news feed and other social networking sites. It appears to me that many people lose control of their intelligence when faced with stuff like this (and all respect to those on here, I am not talking about you!) I even resorted to telling a long time friend of mine to go elsewhere in the pub last night, such was his misguided and uninformed rhetoric. Why this outpouring of hatred towards an entire race/religion? Are we condemning every white person after the murder of that little girl recently? Or any other murders committed by non-muslims? Have we, just over half a century later, already forgotten what happened to the Jews under the Nazis? What needs to happen is that the tolerant, sensible muslims who practice a religion based on peace, rather than those who go to the extremes of suppression. need to speak out, stand up, and we - or rather the government and powers that be - need to get fully behind them. As the adage says, birds of a feather flock together: a truly smooth multi-cultural society is unlikely ever to exist - there will always be those who harbour resentment, historical or racial - but we are, in fact, doing a pretty good job. Before I sign off, a couple of things: someone condemned the entire Muslim race to my face last night as perverts who sleep with 12 year old girls. In their own countries they may do, and it may be legal. He was, I might add, very surprised to be told that, in Spain - for example - the age of consent is 13. Also, the famous Enoch Powell 'Rivers of Blood' speech is being touted as an 'I told you so' item:it's nothing of the sort. He wasn't talking of incidents like this, but warning of the formation of ghettos and the potential problems of excessive immigration. Anyone believing he declared the streets would become 'rivers of blood' because of these has clearly not read or heard the speech, or is ignorant. My tolerance levels - usually very high - are at an all time low. Good day to you all, and enjoy The Big Event!
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