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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/14 in all areas

  1. Remind me, are these the people who get 8% more than the equivalent private sector wages; have near guaranteed jobs and pensions; who's jobs had grown under Labour to a staggering 50% of our economy; and who's wages are paid by taxes on non-government employees? I think they should all be made to sit through the current episode of Panorama to see how many private sector employees are struggling to even put food on the table! Honest, decent, people who - if they work longer hours - have three quarters of their meagre extra earnings taken off them! One thing is for sure: whichever party gets in at the GE there will be a huge re-balancing, and then the public sector lot really will have an issue! There's now £44,000,000,000 of savings needed just to stop the debt getting even greater, and Balls has promised to be fiscally responsible this time around. This spells huge job cuts, OR bringing public sector wages into line with the private sector. Enjoy your strike NCC employees - reality is just around the corner!
    1 point
  2. the words of Theodore Roosevelt... speak softly ...but carry a big stick ,....he led the rough riders to victory
    1 point
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