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It's not very often that the logic of both Miliband and Clegg is compelling, but when it matches your own thoughts then eggs is surely eggs. I'm talking about cast-iron-promise Dave's refusal to take part in public debate because the Greens aren't included (yet, this time he is being forced to face Ukip's questions). "Cut the green crap" Dave! No one believes for an instant that you rate communism with plants as a serious proposition in any seat which doesn't suffer from a vast oversupply of latter-day hippies. This is an excuse as overwhelmingly lame as Labour's we can't discuss the EU because we need to focus on the economy (our tiny minds can only ever consider one thing at a time, and we can't see any possible connection). Secretly both Miliband and Clegg are delighted they can shift the blame onto frit Dave - neither wants to face the compelling proposition of running our country for the benefit of all the people in it - but that's politics folks! Tories and ex-Tories, who have a better measure of Dave than most, have already told us that this is exactly the kind of pathetic excuse Dave will surely use to wriggle out of his promise of allowing the British people to freely decide on their future - wriggle-out for the third time! Those people's concerns about Cameron are genuine, and you'd be a fool to believe a word he says.1 point
So.. on your reckoning Labour will be nominally in charge but the Scot Nats will be in the driving seat and bleeding the rest of the UK even more than they are now. Oil revenues have more than halved since Salmond was salivating over spending all of them whilst having the UK stand as guarantor for his debt, so any nationalist with an ounce of sense will be thanking their lucky stars that they lost their referendum. Now best strategy is to let the rest of the UK take the revenue hit whilst holding a hand out for more more more! Miliband and Balls will be in no position to refuse; so what a miserable prospect for the whole country. A re-run of the Gordo saga: hold on to power whatever burden you inflict on the nation. Having bankrupt our children and children's children by running up future liabilities, M&B will proceed to bankrupt the present generation by trashing the current account too! Tony, name me one Labour government in history that hasn't ended in total economic mess, and left the country economically far worse off than when it took power? Blair got away with this by pretending that Labour had turned a new leaf - New Labour; "things can only get better". This time there's not even that pretence; it's pretty tired old Labour, with absolutely nothing new to say. Same old state socialism (with a nod to Thatcherism and the market), same old economic mess. In less than a year this will be apparent to even the most tribal Labour voter, and we'll all have to suffer a full four further years of muddle, lost opportunity, and being bled dry by both the EU and Scotland! "a few seats" eh? The party that was being mocked for having no MPs now represents this country in Brussels, and has won half of the recent parliamentary elections. In the other half it ran both Tory and Labour so close that they are still in shock! In Labour's seat it was Tory voters who kept them in power! Carry on with your sloped playing field; carry on with the out of date boundaries; carry on with the postal vote fraud; carry on with lowering the voting age to hook in kids you can easily fool; leave the flood gates open to always grateful first-generation immigrants - none of this gerrymandering alters the fact that your elites are drinking in the last chance saloon. Ukip won't form a government this time around, but the sights are firmly set on 2020 when popular democracy will be restored to this country after two generations absence! If your LibLabCon elitists want to believe that Ukip is another SDP then they're welcome to yet another of those illusions. The bright thing to do is to join the people's party and help mould policy.1 point
So... Labour campaign organiser Rob Sherrington publicly calls the queen a Nazi and tells her to f'off! Total silence from the cultural marxist journos at the Beeb! Just imagine how the Beeb would have treated this if it could have been pinned on anyone who was remotely associated with Ukip - even in a private conversation? Much of the time the distortion is not what the Beeb reports, it's what they censor! They've just got around to slanted reporting of the anti-islamisation rallies in Germany that other news organisations have been freely reporting on for some time. Curious though that BBC is broadcasting an attendance at the Dresden rally of 10,000, whilst the internet (including the BBC's own website!) is reporting it at 18,000. For a detailed study of how the BBC slants the news in favour of the political establishment see: Recently public comment on the grossly over-moderated bbc website has been taking a direction that overwhelmingly doesn't follow the party line. So, in true Cultural Marxist fashion, the Orwellian Beeb have now shut virtually all public input down! Time to scrap the licence fee I think. I'd be happy to see a rump of public service radio broadcasting continue on a vastly reduced public spend, and organised around the World Service and Radio 4. But in my book the BBC, as it's organised today, is surely an outdated relic of 20th century paternalism.1 point
Here's your link Tony: William Joyce spoke for the Third Reich - UKIP speaks against the Fourth Reich (the one Miliband and Balls and Cameron and Clegg would rather not mention). Get the subtle difference? Politics aside the Bothal-HawHaw connection is quite interesting. I've heard this local tale before, but AFAIR no one has ever expanded on the details. There were a number of people dubbed Lord Haw Haw, or variants, so we are not necessarily talking about Joyce here. One thing which amused me when little was that there was a popular local conception of Hitler as a "house" painter, which extended to cartoons of him painting a swastika on our market cross. He was of course an artist, and by all accounts a lousy one! I concluded that quite a lot of local folklore probably resulted from mishearings and misconceptions. Apologies if I've posted this before, but as you raise the Nazis you might like to discover where they all went:1 point
Keep saying it and in a Cultural Marxist world it will become true! Fact - in the North of England UKIP support is mostly ex-Labour. If you doubt this look at the Heywood and Middleton result. Five things went Labour's way and kept them in one of their "safest" seats by a whisker: 1) Lib Dems switching to Labour. 2) The usual organised postal vote fraud that Labour pulls (Ukip won on the clean on-the-table ballot). 3) Immigrants expressing their gratitude to the party of uncontrolled mass immigration. 4) Wet behind the ears youngsters who've no real world experience of Labour duplicity and lies. But mainly it was... 5) ...those right wing Tories that you so despise. If just 600 or so had really been the interchangeable Ukip supporters you claim Labour would have lost one of its safest seats! Next time Heywood will succumb to popular democracy and there will be no going back despite those establishment-wedded Tory voters! Labour knows their days are numbered as ever-increasing numbers of working class people wise up to its duplicity. Labour strategy to offset this is to keep the floodgates open to immigrants (whilst pretending it intends to do the opposite, and duplicitously "admitting" to major mistakes), and also lower the voting age to try to con more impressionable youngsters. Won't work! Labour is an early 20th century party (just like the Tories), and it's days are strictly numbered. The real problem is the damage it will do whilst in its death throes. Out of the ashes might emerge a democratic party that once again makes some sense to ordinary people; so, it's in every one's interest that it be despatched as quickly and cleanly as possible.1 point
Tony just wondering if you type with both hands and if you do would that be sterotyping too?1 point
Lavery's let nearly four years pass by doing absolutely nothing for Bedlington. Other than fighting for grants and investment into Ashington and of course lets not forget the new stand at his football club that is being supported by Arch the development company (Northumberland County Council). His only other activity that springs to mind is his personal battle for Justice for an Industrial Dispute that he was involved in thirty years ago. Many of his constituents in this town are too young to remember that dispute but lets hope they remember the last four years when election time comes around. The sad part is our County Councillors think the Sun shines out of his backside, Bedlington is a long way down on his list of priorities, He's only making noises now because elections are on the horizon however other than his clique over here, I cannot think of anyone in the Town that would have reason to vote for him.1 point
So, yet another tweak that tribal Labour voters failed to notice, and which the London-centric liberal elites who control the party would rather leave highly ambiguous? Our Mr Lavery has started to notice though. Sooner or later he's going to work out that he's in the wrong party. The question is will he have the guts to do anything about it, or will he learn to keep his mouth shut, and so keep his seat on the political gravy train?1 point
1 point