Do you want to be in'it? If so PLEASE explain exactly why? People voted to put Ukip in Brussels to send a message to LibLabCon that they don't trust them, and they don't trust the failing EU either. When the elites (who you tug your forelock to) conspire not to give our people a choice they send a party to Brussels to tell them all to go hang! Here's us doing it:-
It's really very simple, your union needs to tell puppet leader Miliband to stop ducking the issue and give the public a referendum on whether they want to be in a European superstate or not. Labour started as a democratic party with magnificent intentions, but has now completely lost touch with its democratic roots. It is now about power for power's sake, and keeping the gravy train rolling. Labour no longer has any relevance to anyone in this town or anything in it. This was thoroughly proven in the last round of LibLabCon musical chairs. Lavery is a shill for the ruling elites - whether he realises this or not - you decide. He's an elitist joke, just like Dennis Skinner has become; Skinner's heckling has now been institutionalised, like other "discordant" events in the distant past - that's how you nullify them. Electing Lavery disenfranchises everyone in this town - we all become that joke!. LibLabCon is all about manipulating things to keep the Westminster elite in power. A political game to keep people who don't really believe in democracy in cushy jobs, and provide a retirement path for them into copious non-jobs in Brussels. Labour and Tory have already packed the House of Lords past overflow with "jobs" for life - eighty quid every morning just for signing in, then slope off to find something which pays better before lunch at the club. Us mugs struggling to pay our mortgages, or even put food on the table, pay for all the junketing and non-jobs! Old Labour wanted to abolish the House of Lords; New Labour has packed it out with cronies no company will give a directorship to because they couldn't run a proverbial in a brewery; and that's before I get on to the Commons, Quangos, Parliamentary Committees, Public Trusts, etc. and the above all the EU..! Mini revolution coming Tony, just like at the start of the last century. The more people discover about how things really work the sooner this will happen. You are either with the good guys or with the bad guys.