This is latest comforting assurance the establishment is promoting, after all the others have been systematically shot down in flames. History says different. If your tribal loyalty to Labour had some logical basis Tony I could understand where you were coming from, but you must see that Labour is now the real class enemy of ordinary British working people. Politics has become a sham; both major parties pretend to heed the needs of ordinary people whilst - each for their own reasons - completely selling them out to overseas interests. Look at what's behind the curtain; people like Mandelson are pulling the Labour Party levers. You THINK your union is pulling his strings, but Miliband was put there by other forces, and your union leader is just a patsy. It's Blairism all over again, they've simply inserted one more misleading screen that says we've turned left. They haven't even bothered to replace Balls for God's sake! All the old Westminster elitists are still there, and they've recruited even more to the gentleman's club. Surely you are brighter than this, or is the promise of more bread and circuses an eternal means to enslavement? The way out isn't the I'm taking this shafting on my own terms of Dennis Skinner, or the lame street protest of Russell Brand. It's to get right in there and sort the b's out by the same democratic process that they've subverted. At the moment that means voting Ukip - not out of any sort of tribalism, but because it's the only way to fix our broken democracy.