Say as you find Maggie! Hardly abuse, or personal. He's actually a Cultural Marxist; so OK, I take fool back - he's no fool, he simply takes others as fools! He's fully entitled to his opinions, but he takes my money, and represents a distorted view of the world to my kids, and the rest of the nation, as the norm. He can have all the young male consenting "totty" he wants, but he's not entitled to represent it as either normal behaviour, or tell me I must approve of it! In fact originally I rather liked him, but he's changed, and not me. It's not simply his flaunting his sexuality as some sort of superior state of being, it's his other elitist attitudes. We've come along way from sticking Oscar Wilde in Reading Jail, and all of that is undeniably for the better. But, in an increasing number of cases these days the tolerance now shown is not reciprocated, instead it is capitalised upon. He comes across very snide and condescending, and I wouldn't accept that in a heterosexual, so I'm not making excuses for him because he's a homosexual - which apparently is what I'm required to do by the BBC thought police. Unlike the BBC I think that any form of discrimination is wrong, so I simply don't accept their doctrine of positive discrimination. This is just one of many reasons why the formerly balanced BBC is past its sell-by-date. It always had element of elitism, but it was a benign and inclusive elitism that aimed to enlighten and promote a national purpose. It was pretty much apolitical, and on the rare occasions it strayed over the line sharp corrections were administered and all were happy. These days all pretence of that has gone. The audiences don't appreciate the morph because it has been gradually introduced in the name of progress. It's not progress - it's bloody frightening, and wide open to exploitation by a future totalitarian government. Paranoia? I think not! One thing Nick Clegg is right about is to be very very worried about what is presently being enacted in the name of national security. If the same subversion of tradition values is applied to national government as has already been enacted at the BBC, Winston Smith will be reciting 2 + 2 = 5 and believing it before the BBC hits its centenary.