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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/15 in all areas

  1. Woodhorn has been promoted over and above many other things for so long - lottery funding etc and the archives being put there. fair enough to make something out of a derelict site and the archives are an incredibly useful asset - but I suspect it was partly because they needed to justify the use of the buildings etc. although I am perplexed as to why they ploughed money into yet another industrial park aside the spine road before the hospital 'to create employment and retrain skilled workers' - (why did they need retraining if they were skilled ??) when most of the units nearby are empty!! The Bedlington picnic was the big event - I seem to think (and most likely wrong) that it was one of the big national events (and I don't mean politically) as the showmen used to turn up as one of their main stops in the north, and then was it the Durham event and then the town moor or the other way round?? Bedlington was always the best location due it being unique in having such massively wide high street. (I have a particular problem at the moment with the council as my mother is - shall we say possibly terminal - at 86 after a heart op and a stroke and the council seem to have not only sold one of her grave plots and buried someone else there -- (she bought 3 when my gran died) but the council have failed to respond to any of my correspondence since I raised the issue in June last year. I think the national press is the next step - particularly on the back of the debacle at the Berwick cemetery (sorry if that was a rant) There are huge amounts of land available in Bedlington for development without impacting on the environment and the population has changed vastly over the decades - there is a skilled young base of people with ability that have to commute to work - working locally is the way the council should look to - and it is very 'green' - less strain on the transport infrastructure (moor farm isn't gridlocked?? nor is the A1 after Gosforth in the mornings?)
    2 points
  2. I am a total luddite and am aghast at what I see as lazy, sloppy coding!! feel free to shoot me down -- but XP was stable and worked and afore that you could get a whole word processer on a floppy disk !! - now you need multi gb just to rub a browser!! they seem to have taken moores law (every 18 month speeds double and price halves) and subverted it to promote sales of something that really isn't realistically necessary - but of course increases at a huge rate by building in redundancy. And touch screens ?? (ok bad grammar ) but do you really think that sticky paws on screens prolong the life of said article ? and of course there's nothing better than a screen covered in the remains of kebab or jam sandwich!
    1 point
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