"the theory of men in feathery wings remain in my mind to be complete misinterpretations,of what actually happened,in biblical times,by peasants,[or even intelligent people],who would never have been able to understand what they were witnessing" This is certainly extremely feasible, and most likely explains quite a lot of the odd and unfamiliar descriptions in the bible. Merc, having read the Bible and I will point out that I am no expert and do not have loads of knowledge on the subject, but I can not find anywhere in the Bible that describes angel with wings. The word, angel comes from the Greek word ággelos which means messenger. Aggelos can be applied to men who carry messages as well as those created higher than men that we refer to as angelic beings. (Before anyone starts jumping up and down, my reference to men carrying messages is not sexist, just trying to explain the word, aggelos) An example of the use of the word, angel, can be found in Revelation chapter one verse twenty where the seven stars that Christ holds in his hand are the seven angels (messengers) to the seven churches. There are many more examples but that is just one of them. I somtimes think that a lot of the early artists are to blame for this picture that we have in our minds that angels have wings, as they where commisioned to paint Biblical scence to be used as a naratives for teaching the people of the time. Perhaps it was a way of making them understand (birds need wings fly in the heavens)