Well, urging people to turn on their brains is a lot better than those on the left who work on the premise that people don't have one! At least I'm not telling people what they must think, and how they should think, or shouting them down! You'll note that the left is particularly prone to attacks on the messenger when they find the message unpalatable - those 'ist accusations are rather one-sided. There's a lot of indoctrination going on in the UK at present. More than I've ever seen in my lifetime, and it's particularly targeted at the young. I for one am no longer prepared to sit there and take it. I'm no conspiracy theorist, nor alone in this belief. If I'm too "smug", then you are appointed my moral guardian in this respect; please feel free to de-smugify all further postings and/or provide background "health warnings". Hopefully though this won't dominate the discussion, and we can stay on topic, most of the time.