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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/04/15 in all areas

  1. Is this Simon Tyler the mayor? If so it's disgraceful he has only done a "small amount of research".
    3 points
  2. I'd love to hear from the Ukip haters here exactly what they hate? It seems to Kippers that what they actually hate is their own country. My take on this is that the haters have swallowed establishment propaganda hook line and sinker. That's a huge victory for the establishment, and for the very status quo that those people rail against. Setting individual against individual and thoroughly controlling the discourse guarantees the continuance of the Westminster political elites. You can excuse those young kids for still carrying the second-hand views of their last teacher, but adults really should do their own investigation.
    3 points
  3. By the way 3g I'm not trying to put you on the spot I genuinely want to know these things.
    1 point
  4. That's really interesting, because it sounds like much of what you say is self-contradictory. Notice I said "sounds like" because I'm sure you are very clear in what you believe. You say you don't like Ukip because "it is based on nationalism", but go on to put forward a very nationalistic view. Simple question: do you personally know many of these "racist bigots" or is this simply what you've been led to believe by the media? I know lots on actual Ukip members but there's not a single one any reasonable person could call either "racist" or bigoted. They are all concerned where our country is headed, yes - but, none of them is any more "jingoistic" or more nationalistic than an average Brit. In fact I'd say that they are universally not very far from the average Brit in their views, simply a bit ahead of the curve in their assessment of our situation. You sound like you don't think the EU is a terribly good idea for us, but seem to prefer EU Party #1, EU Party #2, and EU Party #3 to the only party that believes that our nation should retain its links with Europe, but not be ruled by Europe. The only rampantly nationalistic party we have is EU Party #4 (the SNP) Unusually, for a political party, I think the clue is in the name . Like all forms of extreme nationalism I think we can all predict that that one will end in tears. Finally, you say you "tend to be anti-establishment", yet here again you turn your back on the only anti-establishment party that has any chance of pricking the establishment bubble. It seems to me that while professing to be anti-establishment you are in fact buying 100% into the establishment's myth of their eternal right to rule.
    1 point
  5. Agreed mercuryg. These young people are the future. The old guard need to take notice and connect. Apart from certain individuals on this site there seems a lack of involvement by the political elite of Bedlington. Locally and nationally where are these people who should be fighting for our town. By their silence on issues they say so much.
    1 point
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