Why do you believe that voting for professional politicians who came straight out of university into a party machine, and have never had a productive job in their life, would result in a "fairer and more just society"? Their proposition is very simple: you allow us to continue to live in the style to which we've been accustomed, and we will tell you just what you want to hear. Privately, these people will admit they dole out platitudes and hyperbole. They can be amazingly frank when it's strictly off the record. It's almost as if they have an inner need to prove to themselves that at core they are honest. Suggest to them that they explain the hard reality to their electorate and come clean on what can really be delivered, and they'll tell you that if they did that no one would vote for them. Look at Ed's "carved in stone" promises. Looks great, doesn't it? But look again and tell me how you or I will ever be able to tell if any of those promises have been kept. They can be made to mean whatever Ed wants them to mean. What the ^%%& does "A STRONG ECONOMIC FOUNDATION" mean? It could be used to justify billions of pounds spent on useless infrastructure; just like when he blew huge sums, and put up everyone's energy bills, chasing "climate change" nonsense when he was the energy minister. What he actually achieved was "a strong foundation" of private and national debt! Little of the drivel that LibLabCon puts out is genuine policy. It's generally pseudo-aspirational junk, only there to persuade uncritical people to feel good about voting for them. It has little foundation in either fact or reality. The thing about the bacon sarnie is that it's a familiar process we can relate to and immediately assess competency. It illustrates that he's a dork who probably couldn't hold down a job as a supermarket shelf stacker, yet we are supposed to believe that he is capable of dealing with all the nation's thorny problems, ones that even specialists have no clear answers to. The extent of his detachment from reality is nowhere more evident than the his disastrous tenure as energy minister: http://www.express.co.uk/comment/columnists/frederick-forsyth/437556/This-energy-policy-of-Ed-Miliband-s-will-go-up-in-smoke http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2009/apr/24/energy-coal-carbon-capture-environment The guy has already cost this country billions, and is probably single-handedly responsible for killing off what we had left of a coal industry. He's also hit the very people he pretends to care about the hardest, both in bumping their energy bills, and then locking in the increase. Tedious and often impossible to explain to the average voter, so the bacon sarnie metaphor has its uses. The Country is well rid of both him and Balls!