Maybe they just get to see more malingerers and hypochondriacs than most, and the more they see the surer they become? I can handle this kind of "political indoctrination", but at my age I'm certainly not going to take any more BS from commie nurses. Ones who think that because I'm paying (twice!) for an examination I deserve sub-human treatment and to be punished. The old Ashington Hospital had some good people on staff, but it certainly employed some scum nurses - ones who put their politics well before patients, basic human decency, and compassion. Only the addled brains of the hard left would go there! On the "free speech" thing I will reserve judgement until the detailed measures are announced. But with Miliband proposing to outlaw even mild criticism of Islam (but not any other religion), it's a bit choice to be damning selective controls on promoting Islamic hate this early. Of course if we hadn't had to endure all this multiculturalism insanity we wouldn't have had a problem, and there'd be absolutely no excuse for limiting freedoms. Where are all the promoters of multiculturalism now? Answer: long dead, retired on fat politico's pensions, and/or keeping their heads well down whilst the country pays a huge price for their little social experiment. The old adage "When in Rome..." should be nailed up at the UK Border. It suited, and even benefited past immigrants as they fully integrated.