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  1. One again illustrating that if Cast-iron-promise Cameron gives an assurance on anything at all you can be pretty certain that the exact opposite is the case: HoC 2010 ======== Tory Party Election Manifesto ========================= Just Yesterday ============= Today ===== The European Commission has decided to use the EFSM to provide at least the first slug of money to bail out Greece. As we remain part of it we're in for at least £850M. This, of course, is only a first payment! Where will the money for this latest "surprise" demand come from? Well.. I can only tell you where it won't come from: absolutely none of it will come from the international business and political elites who benefit massively from their seats on the EU gravy train. https://twitter.com/BBCChrisMorris/status/621261291110465536 I think what John Redwood really means is that you can't trust his party leader! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I invite our Mr Lavery to contribute his views on this. I think he owes his electorate a full explanation of how he stands on matters EU. Silence would strongly indicate that he's being complicit with those in the Westminster bubble. Surely he doesn't want to be seen in the same camp as Duplicitous Dave?!
    1 point
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