...has achieved precisely nothing for the UK Economy: Notice that our exports to Europe were steadily increasing in the 20 years before The Common Market (EEC) was formed, and continued increasing at the same sort of rate for 20 years after. And, this was despite all the crises and industrial unrest that we were told were disrupting and disadvantaging British industry over that period. BUT... with The Single European Market (EU), with all its bureaucracy, and regulation, and other nonsense, they then stagnated. Since just before the millennium they've been falling. Who has benefited in that 20 years? Well, certain not the British people! This is exactly the opposite of what politicos of the three major parties told us The Single European Market would bring. They also told us that we must join the Euro or we were sunk, and it was only a miracle of fortune that saved us from that stupidity. And, the next 20 years if we don't stand on our own feet again? My best guess is a mirror image of what started around 1958 - the signs of a failing EU are there already. Better Off Out - certainly!