ah but a sad reflection on the wannabees that want political power and their attitude to the 'masses' that they are supposed to represent - the only winners are the folk that have achieved their ends at the cost of the others they are supposed to represent - haggling to me is a mutually satisfactory agreement on cost and benefit - ie -- I want that - you have it - what we gonna agree a price on ? - I once swapped a 250 enfield for a vw beetle -- now that was a fair deal -- neither party was conned and we both went away happy and I might add happy for many years (although I have to say if its got t**s or wheels its gonna cost you dearly lol) its the whole - ooo isn't this terrible and we can sort something, issues that boils my pi*s -and that the issue in the first instance would never be countenanced by any rational thinker - we are not children and actually have a mind (apart from some voters lol|) so should be accorded the dignity of having rational thought. it all comes back to the thing that I find most bemusing -- we know best ..... and that's from most that I wouldn't trust to walk my dog.. and yet they are voted in to posts of power??