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  1. I don't know about creating jobs. Opening Lidl's will probably reult in Morrison's closing, which will neutralise the new jobs created.
    2 points
  2. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but has anyone else been in The Craft HIve, at the top end of Front Street? Not much in there for me, I must admit, but went in with mother and have to commend the ladies who run it for putting together a very pleasantly laid out shop with a friendly attitude (loved the coffee machine at the back) and a truly eclectic and interesting selection of goods on offer.Different, inviting and worthy of success - more like this please, it's what the town needs. Examples of people trying something like this should be highlighted (and I'll take this moment also to promote one local to me, the very wonderful Post Box Cafe in Choppington; if you're passing and hungry go in - you won't find a better bacon sandwich or enjoy a full breakfast in more pleasant surroundings and at great prices!)
    1 point
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