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  1. Tony the raft we arrived on was the "Cheshire" and we migrated here legally
    1 point
  2. throwing a dafty in .. estimate of 2% of 'refugees' are 'activists' - ie security risks the EU allowed unhindered travel across its borders for 'nationals of member states' - so what went wrong? look at the profile of those 'refugees' in camps etc... mostly young single men - then compare with real refugees in the first and 2nd wars (we may be looking at the 3rd ww now) - where are the families, the wives, the children? consider the mass 'raids' on channel facilities to gain access - now who co-ordinated those? the main camp in France has a disco/nightclub and the fast food places in the camp do great trade at 3am!!! - now consider yourself in the alleged situation of so many (not all in any way) how did they finance their trip across almost 2 continents and could you do the same ?? and how? - its always a good way to start - take it to a personal level and think it through -- say the UK really wasn't the place you wanted to be and you wanted to get out -- pick a country. look at what you have in the way of money and connections and then think - where would you start and how would you do it.(bearing in mind you have no passport and allegedly no connections where you have decided to go). promoting a vast influx of disparate peoples onto another countries infrastructure is a tremendous way to destabilise the norm. I have nothing against freedom of movement across borders, which are actually artificial (but have a look at the first page of your passport and consider the treatment you get at airports etc!!!) and it makes a freer and more integrated society, but one has to ask why the UK?? are we so much better than our EU neighbours?? and finally --- oh yes the arab states -- well, lowest rating in the world for equality and one would expect nothing more.
    1 point
  3. Yes, I have; I've personally spoken to Muslim friends in the north of England who are not only horrified, but are living in fear. These are good, honest working people who lead everyday lives and go about their religious doings without bothering others; I may not agree with their beliefs, but I'm unwilling to lump them in with radicals who are intent on killing people. That said, you are absolutely right - the Muslim community needs to stand up and speak out about these people, but then so did those opposed to the Nazi's in WW2. "BTW the petition doesn't say refugees, it says immigration. Exactly how those two entirely distinct concepts have come to be so comprehensively conflated is one of those wonders of bleeding-heart liberal left doublethink!" No, it's not, it's quite logical, and you're actually providing an example: when people mention 'immigrants' now, in this currentand recent climate, the image that pops up is not one of an Eastern European picking turnips outside Boston - which it once was - but of a middle eastern person, say, from Syria, a muslim, of course, for it is they who is 'the problem'. This is entirely because that's what the current news is focusing on - it's nothing to do with 'double think'. "I'm not sure that is entirely true." I see no part of my statement that is in any way untrue; there are terrorists here already, hence the stable door analogy; there are terrorists coming in with the refugees; there are people who need our help - because one man you saw interviewed didn't need our help does not mean other's don't. "The real question is how many refugees the oil-rich Arab countries taking, and it seems the answer to that is zero! " And? Are you suggesting a 'they're not doing it so why should we' approach? That's great, solves everything. It's my ball, I'm taking it home if you don't let me play. Perhaps I'm too soft, or maybe I see things in a different way to that you do, but Johnny Foreigner isn't the biggest problem the UK has right now. After all, without Mr Chahal's wonderrful emporium, where would I get my May San curry sauce?
    1 point
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