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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/16 in all areas

  1. On a lighter note we had a wild and wooley night last night and you are having a fair amount of rain there according to Live! the farmers are over the moon with the rain and i believe the drought has been busted
    1 point
  2. Goes hand-in-hand with this article: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/610649/Germany-Refugee-Sexual-Assault-Thomas-de-Maiziere-Rainer-Wendt-European-Union?_ga=1.159735997.1666213066.1449414694
    1 point
  3. More news that isn't being reported and another nail in Merkel's coffin: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/631531/Police-Germany-Hunt-1000-Arab-North-African-Gang-Cologne-Sex-Attack-Assault
    1 point
  4. Though... in other parts of Europe it has never been greener - at least in the last decade. This is just as well as (due to the economically failing EU) there has been a massive return to the land, where people are growing stuff for own/local consumption. Anyone fancy some oranges?
    1 point
  5. In politics (and the law) you ask questions to elicit a response that demonstrates the weakness of the position of the opposition, and their misunderstandings. You aren't looking too hard then: present day politics is mostly a "State of War" within the parties! A rep score of 0 is still a rep. It's there in the profile for all time. This is la-la-leftie-land supposition, where sixteen year-olds and even babies have the life experience of mature adults. Reference those hilarious trade union block votes of the past for a taste of how things are supposed to work. Back in the real world If you aren't interested and/or can't be a**ed to vote then you don't count! That one got Red Arthur because he knew that he couldn't carry the NUM membership into his strike to overthrow the government. Half a million votes is as good as it gets on gov.uk just at the moment. 98% of the propositions even I can't be bothered to vote on! I actually know of no one who is "anti-immigrant". Adopting a sane immigration policy is not being against immigrants, or even against immigration per-Se. Nor is it against asylum seekers who are genuine asylum seekers. Back in the 1990's mass immigration started being used as a tool by Labour to keep up its fading working class support. We need to counter this cynical political manipulation of our population by calling a pause, and because of the clear and present danger presented by world Islam there's no time like the present. No one will benefit more - from say a five year pause - than our existing immigrants. The penalty for inaction will be major bloodshed!
    1 point
  6. I presume you are talking drought in your part of the world Brian, we are in danger of drowning here!
    1 point
  7. Bedlington has officially recognised the significant contributions made to the community of certain individuals such as Dr Brown. History is obviously important and no one has done more than the late Evan Martin to preserve the past through his books and he has left a permanent record of Bedlingtonshire covering a period when it was part of a vibrant industrial region, now gone forever. I think we can count ourselves lucky that someone with a deep interest in the town was prepared to put in so much effort collecting stories and photos and publishing books that leave an important legacy for future generations. I believe he should also be acknowledged as someone who has made an important contribution to the community.
    1 point
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