In politics (and the law) you ask questions to elicit a response that demonstrates the weakness of the position of the opposition, and their misunderstandings. You aren't looking too hard then: present day politics is mostly a "State of War" within the parties! A rep score of 0 is still a rep. It's there in the profile for all time. This is la-la-leftie-land supposition, where sixteen year-olds and even babies have the life experience of mature adults. Reference those hilarious trade union block votes of the past for a taste of how things are supposed to work. Back in the real world If you aren't interested and/or can't be a**ed to vote then you don't count! That one got Red Arthur because he knew that he couldn't carry the NUM membership into his strike to overthrow the government. Half a million votes is as good as it gets on just at the moment. 98% of the propositions even I can't be bothered to vote on! I actually know of no one who is "anti-immigrant". Adopting a sane immigration policy is not being against immigrants, or even against immigration per-Se. Nor is it against asylum seekers who are genuine asylum seekers. Back in the 1990's mass immigration started being used as a tool by Labour to keep up its fading working class support. We need to counter this cynical political manipulation of our population by calling a pause, and because of the clear and present danger presented by world Islam there's no time like the present. No one will benefit more - from say a five year pause - than our existing immigrants. The penalty for inaction will be major bloodshed!