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  1. One thousand more jobs to go - some of them in the NE - due to Chinese dumping of steel. What does the USA do about this? It applies swingeing tariffs on dumped steel to protect US jobs until the dumping stops and normal fair trade can resume. What does EUCam do? He offers platitudes whilst another major industry slips away. He can't act without the permission of our German overlords, and such permission will never be forthcoming. This wouldn't align with Merkel's view of how things must be. And, what does the EU-centric, EU-funded, BBC tell us about this? Well, whatever you do don't mention the EU dimension to our job losses, as it would blow a hole straight through our propaganda about EU membership being good for jobs. Keep on repeating the lie about three million jobs being dependant on our membership of a political union, and we'll put through this bad patch - until, the next bout of EU damage to our economy. Sad that a once national treasure has been so subverted that we now get more objectivity from Al Jazeera or Russia Today!
    1 point
  2. Research the threats on Longridge's life by left wing extremists, and the subsequent events... There are many reasons that such great men have been quietly disowned by their birthplace. I'm not saying the blame was all on one side, but the short-sightedness of local Labour politicos is - and continues to be - staggering. That short-sightedness has extended to the physical destruction of our heritage. Even as I child I could see that what was going on was a betrayal of our heritage, but right then I didn't have the facts to back this up. Was it planned or just sheer ignorance? Well.. a bit of both I think.
    1 point
  3. So Ireland has legalised gay marriage. the first couple to be married are Ben Dover and Phil McCavity. Oooooosh!
    1 point
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