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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/02/16 in all areas

  1. Our Bus Shelter renewal project has started. Some new ones in places where there have never been shelters before but where residents have identified as being needed!
    2 points
  2. Some work seems to have been done to the area around the cemetery . After an amount of rain it will become clear if anything has improved. Fingers crossed . In Bedlington we seem to be waiting patiently for so very many things to change for the better.
    1 point
  3. News sites full of tripe today about how Britain isn't good enough to survive if allowed to govern itself. Good on Boris for having the sense to (hopefully) research and educate himself instead of listening to the propaganda we're being fed. I like Boris on general, though I hate what he's done to London's road infrastructure, and I detest that he often finds it difficult to answer questions. Sadly there's a section of people who fall for the propaganda from the EU. Anyone read or believe that we are better off being governed by the EU should talk about it, because the stuff in reading in the media at the moment can generally be proven utterly wrong. Let's be proud of our country, I believe in us
    1 point
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