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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/16 in all areas

  1. Maintain , pull down , rebuild. There is a hugh debate on these issues at this point in time. A referendum is even seen as a way forward, My feelings are that we should not 'live now pay late' The PFI initiatives seem to introduce problems for our children and our children's children. To quote the Moody Blues! I remember Ellen Mitchell taking the Bedlington History Society on a tour of the new County Hall. The building , the stain glass ,the thought that went into the building was impressive. Regardless of 'party politics' I do not think it should be pulled down. Our own council offices could be utilised for so very many things Why pull them down? Devise some plan to use them for civic purposes. In 1976 the library in Bedlington is said to be the new library. If we destroy every new build after a few years then we have no heritage . My feeling is that we maintain and protect our heritage. I cannot believe we build ,not for the future, but simply to destroy . Surely we destroy our World by using up precious resources in this way. Maybe I am just too old to accept the new arguments , given by our NCC leader Grant Davey.
    1 point
  2. The parked cars can be the biggest problem. It is interesting that buses for the school now drop of by the main cemetery gates . The joys of excess house building maybe, or teachers unable to park in school grounds.
    1 point
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