Now that all rational argument has failed, Dave's sole strategy to bind us irrevocably to the evil empire seem to be to get as many "celebrity endorsements" as he can muster. This involves using all the levers of power to pressure the pressurable (that's easily 90% of the establishment sell-outs), and adding a sprinkling of names who've never even consented for luck. That voters can think for themselves and no longer need the elites to tell them what they must do, doesn't factor in his calculations. It is after all a numbers game, and his Oxford PPE course had that well covered.
Come on - wasn't too big a lie I told for Dave!
Boris didn't do PPE. Though he rubbed shoulders with Dave at Oxford he's a classics scholar. He can think a couple of moves ahead of Dave and proved that at Oxford where Dave was an also-ran. The buffoonery is all assumed - something that Guardianistas simply can't get their heads around - and he does not go in for spin. When the facts don't suit his argument Boris is sensible enough to keep his mouth shut; offer a distraction; or gently shape his argument more toward fact. In a word, he's a pragmatist against Dave's well earned "Flashman" moniker. Boris knows about patriotism, Dave has no sense of Country, little appreciation of history, and is clueless about how ordinary citizens feel. There is very little ground between Duplicitous Dave and Teflon Tony - they are essentially mirror images.
Why do I offer the above insights? It's because someone rubbished an earlier statement that Boris would make an infinitely better PM than Dave. Once again I'd stress that I'm not a Boris supporter, but I am pragmatist too, and it's the art of the possible folks! Anyone who disagrees must offer an alternative leader who can nominally unite our country, and looking at the present crowd they are going to struggle badly there. In the mean time We Want Our Country Back, so the choice between someone who is perfectly happy to give it away to a historic enemy that has got every big decision in history terribly wrong, and someone who has some sense of history and his feet firmly planted on the ground is a total no-brainer.