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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/03/16 in all areas

  1. How sad that we see people resorting to blaming, and I quote, 'Muslims'. They're all to blame, aren't they? Every single one. I find it hard to understand how intelligent persons can be so quick to jump on a bandwagon; this isn't about religion, it's about extremist fanaticism, and the two must be distinct. Ordinary people, with ordinary lives, are being branded by others with extraordinary views. It doesn't take more than a little thought to see this. should add, not an attack on anyone personally, more continued annoyance at the general response.
    2 points
  2. Its an argument that will go on and on and on, but I do find it sad that anyone who has an opinion that is not liked is called racist or a bigot, while I may not agree with what many people say I strongly believe we are all entitled to have views and to the right of free speech. So many of the UK news programs are sterilised and bland I have gave up watching them. .
    1 point
  3. The marriage was a personal choice, and we tend to group with like-minded people, but actually you entirely miss the point. I'm not saying he is necessarily tainted by his relations, I'm saying that his refusal to come clean on the matter raises very serious issues. This is a man who is bidding to control the armed forces of a newly created superstate, not someone who is applying for a licence to run a hot dog stand! The rest of this discussion is starting to sound like Mr Corbyn wanting to have a cup of tea with Islamic State to sort out the tiny few misunderstandings. Always amazing how the bleeding heart left is so ready to label and condemn ideologies that they don't accept should have any place in the world, but so ready to make excuses for fashion-of-the-decade ones. We are seeing this moral wrong-headedness today in an underlying anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. CL, the Quaran is entirely incompatible with the modern world - end of! Saying that it is a matter of shade or interpretation is hokum. It's not a story book from a bygone age to be interpreted to provide moral guidance like The Bible, it's a manual for life and it does not accept that there can be any other view. It repeatedly urges followers to violence to enforce this. That there are two sects that are slaughtering each other - to most reasonable people - would tend to show the inherent intolerance, and not offer a good Muslim bad Muslim dichotomy.
    1 point
  4. Please read the advice notes................ http://www.northumberland.gov.uk/News/2016/Mar/Views-sought-on-proposed-neighbourhood-plan-area-f.aspx
    1 point
  5. Yes and seeing as they were a planning condition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  6. We really need to :- 'Unite against Hate' I am reminded here about some of the old Banners now on display at Woodhorn. I think one was 'Unity is Strength'
    1 point
  7. A good question. Try though we may we are all part of our history. I will avoid quoting the Bible, but we are all part of our genetic and cultural make-up. To deny this is to deny our very existence. Juncker needs to fully fess up to the deeds of his forebears and associates not try to conceal them. I'm not talking about the current fad for apologising, grovelling, rewriting history, and reparations/restitution as evidenced in the current Cambridge student lunacy. I'm talking about simple intellectual honesty, and placing things in historic context. If Junker won't acknowledge his Nazi heritage then he's not a rounded human, and can't be trusted in any position of power.
    1 point
  8. Had a guy in here getting his computer repaired earlier. This morning he had been on a flight to Brussels, 15 mins from landing the pilot alerted them that Brussels airport was closed so they had to divert. So of course his business meeting was cancelled meaning he had to fly back. Of course the religion of peace thinks it's all good and acceptable, and of course WE have to put up with it thanks to our eu dictators. I have to wonder if todays events were to do with the terrorists they got at last week, or is it because our eu dictators have finally decided to return some of the travelers to Turkey - some of which we can be sure were up to no good.
    1 point
  9. Its all in my original post Maggie.......
    1 point
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