It has been suggested that Tata doesn't actually want to sell Port Talbot, but wants it to fold. Why would this be? Well... sold, it would offer competition to its other plants, and quite amazingly it is in negotiations to actually buy German steel provider Thyssen. So much for Tata being a friend of the UK!
One thing is very clear though, EU Dave is only offering platitudes, and is quite content to see a closure. To the posh-boys-playing-games it's just a temporary embarrassment, and nothing must get in the way of Dave's spell as Chairman of the EU Council of Ministers next year. Even if he loses the referendum he intends to hang on in there for his EU pension and perks.
He's never held down a real job in his entire life; can't relate to industry, let alone working people, and has absolutely no sense of country. He thinks life entirely revolves around spin and presentation. There are dozens of competent people in the Tory party, yet they have to foist off this Etonian prat onto us! To top it all, there's now panic setting in that he's left the Falklands completely unprotected. Time to remove the two tinkering posh boys Tory Party - before the electorate does it for you.