Well, we now know the result of Dave's thinking time alone in Lanzarote - his conclusion as to why he's losing all the arguments is that he's not applied enough spin. His solution: to spend another £9.5 million of desperately needed taxpayers money on a leaflet to all households. This is, of course, exactly the same tactic used by Harold Wilson in 1975. If you re-examine that leaflet all the lies and half truths are now very transparent, and we now know that the promoters knew that it was a deception - they've since admitted it was!
His justification for this leaflet is that there's a huge demand from the public to know the facts as they are confused. Well Dave, if you genuinely believe this then subject your EU propaganda sheet to a panel of independent economists, constitutional experts, and business people for scrutiny, once it has been signed off by your spin HQ. Let them determine what is fact and what if pure elitist propaganda, and then edit it appropriately. If you are not prepared to do this then there's a very good home for the leaflet we are being forced to pay for - straight in the waste bin!
Dave's other tactic is an appeal to younger people - "after all it is their future". Too true, as, like the older generation, they will be stripped of all democratic right to say this isn't working and we've been lied to for virtually the rest of their lives: It's there in black and white: "There will be no second referendum".
That last statement is another half-truth of course; following a Leave vote there will be as many referenda as it takes to try to get them to say yes; that's until we get a government of the people this nation can once again trust. Though, once Pied-Piper Cameron leads them through the trapdoor into that mountain called EU Superstate it will be tragic end-of-story.