We are going to be dragged into a war with Putin's Russia by Germany or worse. It's not a question of "joining up"; it's a question of naked German expansionism, as it has been throughout history. You are starting to sound like one of those host of deluded fools in 1939 - the ones who mocked those who accurately predicted where appeasement was leading us. The EU is nothing but a modern expression of German expansionism. Listen to the wiser voices like David Owen - once a convinced EUphile, and now warning of the perils of becoming enmeshed in "The European Project".
The real force that has kept the peace is NATO and the EU has been a disaster wherever and whenever it has had any involvement. At best the EU is a dilution and a distraction, at worst it's a threat to world peace. Either way we need to distance ourself from Juncker's military ambitions. Once our referendum is out of the way he'll be ramping up the pressure for his EU army. He wants his hands on our nukes, and fools like Cameron will go along with this. It will be done in the usual undemocratic salami-slicing way that the EU always does things that are strongly opposed, but they always get the result they seek.