The Guradianistas at the BBC aren't being entirely honest in reporting what Carlos Ghosn the CEO of Nissan UK is saying by selectively reporting him. What Ghosn is looking for is the government to channel some of the revenues from counter-taxing German luxury cars back to Nissan to compensate them for any EU protectionism and Brussels hubris. Obviously no one wants any tariffs, and if sanity prevails there won't be any, but the Brussels bureaucrats are in a hole and their empire threatened, so rationalism may not prevail.
Ghosn is being very careful about not issuing any threats, and is only talking about competitiveness, but this doesn't seem to be good enough for elements at the BBC. Nor is he pressing his views, and that he's not mentioning the windfall boost to Nissan's competitiveness from the lower exchange rate is understandable, although it's not understandable for the BBC to completely fail to question him about this aspect! In fact he's doing his duty and acting in the interests of Nissan, its shareholders and it's employees. It a pity that the BBC Guardianistas need to be frequently embarrassed into acting in the interests of their own "shareholders"..