I understand that Arch state that the Board Members at Arch are not remunerated for their position however below are what I believe are the remuneration bandings for the Groups Operational Directors (Employees of Arch).
Remuneration Band Directors
£70,000 to £74,999 - 1
£75,000 to £79,999 - 2
£90,000 to £94,999 - 1
£120,000 to £124,999 - 1
Small modular reactors are nuclear energy’s future
Something the EU should have been promoting instead of all the vanity projects it has been sinking countless billions in to, and duplicating other work. Something we can lead in if the government gets off its butt.
Cheers mercuryg, the responsibilities are listed below:
• Allotments
• Bus Shelters
• Children’s Play Areas
• Grit Bins – if the County Council won’t
supply the Town Council may supply
• Litter Bins
• Public Seating
• War Memorials
• Christmas Lights
• Christmas Tree
• Notice board Provision
• Flower beds and bulb planting
• Town gateway features
• Additional grass cuts - The County
Council does not cut grass in April and
October so we may pay for additional
grass cuts in those months
• Any entry into the Northumbria in Bloom
• Support of Community Events
Details of members of the St Cuthbert's Freemason Lodge Bedlington can be found on Ancestry up-to around 1921. The birth date and date of initiation of the brothers can now be found online which is great for anyone researching family history.
...or even the Guardian, but the MAIN headline of the Sunday Express HOME page:
It's like spelling checkers aren't built in to practically every bit of WP software these days! That's only the start; I hardly get to read any substantial piece where I don't have to reread a sentence several times to try to figure out what the writer intended to say.
...trade deals. Or at least trade deals negotiated by politicians. Even if you formerly claimed "TTTIPEX" or whatever the best thing since pencils with rubbers on the top; even if it was in your party's manifesto; even if you part negotiated it yourself - right now you want to distance yourself from it, because the practical result for your country has turned out far worse than having no deal at all! (average tariffs under the current WTO regime are only about 3.5%)
Now what are our politicos telling us we really really need? What are armies of British bureaucrats readying to spend years and years negotiating? Someone should tell them to make sure they stay right at the end of the queue.
David Cameron resigns as MP, triggering by-election in his Witney constituency
Pretty much good riddance I think, and a few did see this coming. Alternative headline: Petulant Etonian Schooboy Takes [rugby] Ball Away.
So much for your protestations of necessary service to the Tory party, and to our Country. Go practice your lying skills somewhere else Dave!
Not one newspaper has anything good to say about him:
And, we've already seen him choose. Doubtless a decision made on one of his never-ending holidays for reflection. Can I really be bothered with the little people? Well no, forget that promise to look after the people in my constituency; file it away with all my other "cast iron" promises.
May is busily unpicking a lot of what he did. It's clear that she regards both him an Osborne with contempt, and has practically said such. I suppose he's spared us a Ted Heath style super-sulk, so that's something to be grateful for.
Can anyone clarify who benefits from Arch. Councillors? Private enterprise? or perhaps the public? Do our Councillors get paid?, what happens to profits etc?