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  1. Well I have been discussing peoples democratic right to vote even if they dont know anything about the matter they are voting on. But as far as Brexit in concerned you need to dry your eyes and mop up that milk dearie, that ship has sailed you will just have to stop stomping your feet and get over it, your cabin is booked whether you like it or not, and being seasick aint going to make em turn the ship around . All Aboard.
    2 points
  2. The EU is now entering self-destruct phase. We triggered this, though it would have happened at some point anyway. I'm genuinely sorry for those who are still clinging to this sinking ship. Circumstances have taken over and the UK's position is now largely irrelevant to the EU's demise. I've stopped arguing with the very few religious holdouts I know, as they become increasingly desperate and irrational. Mad as a hatter Tim Farron strikes me as the epitome of this! Merkel is about to get knifed by her own party/coalition; Italy is in for a painful exit from the EZ - the civil unrest has already started, and of course another season another Greek financial crisis; France is even more EUsceptic than the UK now... It's just a matter of the order the dominoes fall in, and exactly when. I'm keeping my pension payments well away from European banks, and have alerted others to the now distinct possibility of a cash grab at theirs! Of course the EU elites are never going to admit that their political project has failed, but what will finally emerge won't be anything like what they were planning. Seems like the UK will be prime candidate for scapegoat: because we really didn't BELIEVE!
    1 point
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