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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/03/17 in all areas

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/22/major-road-schemes-could-cancelled-david-cameron-rushed-11bn/ Beware Politico's "big bold announcements" because they won't be picking up the bill - we will! Most things Dodgy Dave did weren't properly considered, and his "shoot from the hip" style was all about perception.. May is fully aware of this, hence her frequent "politics is not a game" utterances. Cameron is rightfully gone, but Gideon is aiming to make a comeback. Anyone who votes for anything that will facilitate this needs be aware of Osborne's political games. The fact that Heseltine is now advocating that he's competent and capable says it all! We elect Eton bully boys at OUR COST!
    2 points
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