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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/17 in all areas

  1. Our very own Mr Lavery getting a bit wound up by Boris.
    3 points
  2. NCC seem to have a good track record of 'pruning the old wood away' particularly at Count Hall... runs and hides
    2 points
  3. Has Diane been told to keep out the way until its all over ? I aint seen nothing of her for a while. I think the only way Labour will win is if Diane counts the votes .
    2 points
  4. Tim Farron: I want to legalise cannabis - but my children cannot use it TIM NICE BUT DIM Sounds like Tim is already high as a kite
    1 point
  5. thank you for that eggy!!! (I do like the Pontiff stamp - the depths you went to impress me) -- or should be lengths?? what I did forget to add was the bit about cannabis and its delivery system - i.e. smoking.. now how does that reconcile with health and wellbeing?? I have to put a caveat on my post as I am now thinking that all the relevant party leaders have been 'sampling the goods' over the last few weeks as I have never seen so many supposedly professional people shoot themselves in the foot since Blazing Saddles! (this was entered after spending 3 days doing my tax return so I am far more spaced out than a 60' srock band)
    1 point
  6. I disagree... as a family we eat out once or twice a week and if we're bored of the Red Lion we go to somewhere like the Comissioners Quay in Blyth or the Snowy Owl in Cramlington, so our money goes out of Bedlington. If we had another decent family friendly pub in town we'd be less likely to head out of the town and boost the economy of another part of the area. Also on a number of occasions recently we've either not gone to the Red Lion, or have gone and then walked out because its too busy and I couldn't get a table, so I'm not sure you can say there's "just enough turnover for one". Personally I agree I'd rather have a leisure centre but we aren't getting one, but I'm happy to have more choice in terms of pubs/restaurants rather than just more houses or small retail units.
    1 point
  7. Sorry lads but I don't see why the council (Arch )should use public/our money be it borrowed or otherwise to build boozers , what next will they be building bookies or strip clubs. If any of the big brewers wanted to come to Bedlington let them use some of the millions in profits they make to build a pub themselves, but they wont because they know it is not viable . A sports and leisure centre is a more healthy option for our children and the community in general, rather than having the kids sitting in a pub , I have some such centres who I supply my business services to. some do incorporate a restaurant and bar function suits and cinema screenings in them franchised out to an operator. in some cases the entire centre is franchised out. ,
    1 point
  8. Isn't it obvious: anchor chain is strong and the large ball bearing stable. You should be reflecting on the length of her trousers though; I'm reliably advised by nearby females that these are far too short. This could be read as an omen for coming austerity, but I think it's far more likely that she's keeping her stilettos free to give head champagne socialist Emily I'll-do-ANYTHING-for-a-cabinet-post Thornberry a good kicking.
    1 point
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