I beleive that the football is Bedlington Juniors FC, circa 1962 or 63. The lads that I recognise are all 3-4 years older than me. I played a few games for the club when I was 16/17 in 1964/5ish. The Chairman was Bob Storey (back row, 3rd, from right). The only other non player I recognise is Bob Dodds (in between the 2 players on the back row, at the right). The goalkeeper is, I think Brian Richmond, Ronnie Phillipson is in the middle row to the right go the Cup and then I can name Kinglsey Wake (front row far right) and I think the lad 2nd. from the left could be Alan Wilkinson (a kind of wild guess on my part). I also think, though not positive that the lad in the back row, far left was called Wakenshaw.
Definitely the Station Park.