"Pay up the money and keep mercury's exchange rate high."
Thanks Eggy, glad to know someone has the welfare of the common man to hand! !
"Merc's exchange rate is against the USD"
Of course it is; what right-minded industry uses the euro as the currency of choice? Far from rooting for anyone, I'll remind you once more the lovely high return I get is directly due to the Brexit vote, so I really think it would be great if we had another referendum, just to boost my earnings. I'm still perplexed as to, when all the Eastern Europeans get sent home (another thing loads of the leave brigade voted for) who is going to pick all the turnips around here? Mrs May hasn't mentioned that anywhere in her latest speeches, which is somewhat frustrating. With halloween fast approaching, this is a point that really should be at the very top of the agenda, as not only will it be a waste of turnips, but something has to be done about the rampant invasion of pumpkins. It was always turnips carved to a little evil face when i was a kid. Bloody americans...