The BBC get around that one by selective reporting. i.e. always inviting their Guardinista friends in for interview, whilst only paying lip service to (or in the case of "global warming" and the EU, totally excluding) contrary views and evidence. bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK has become bringing the UK to the EU and the EU to the UK! Merc, if what you say is correct then it's time to tear up the Charter and start again. Now seems to be just the time to do it, And, if the people like Smudge, who think the TV Tax is excellent value for money, don't want change, then the 75% of people who don't want to pay it (under threat of being criminalised) should be relieved of the threat. The minority will doubtless cheerfully shell out £600 right away, and progressively more as their numbers drop off.