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  1. From the album: Doctor Pit and Rows

    This photo shows the coal washer that was in use at the Doctor Pit until the 1940’s. The waste material from this washer formed the pit heaps around the Doctor Pit (now rehabilitated and covered in trees.) This was a fantastic adventure playground for the kids in the area. There was what would be known today as a BMX track – we called it a “scrambler track”. Sliding down the heaps on a piece of conveyor belt or corrugated iron sheet was also popular. Much of the heap was still burning so you had to make sure you didn’t end up falling into a section that was still smouldering. Health and Safety was not such a big thing then and you had to carry out your own risk assessment before heading out to the heaps! There was also a pedestrian tunnel went under the heaps and railway line known as the “cundy” and this could be a bit scary for a kid.
    1 point
  2. From the album: Doctor Pit and Rows

    This shows the new washer that was constructed at the Aad pit in the 1940’s to treat coal from both Bedlington A and the Doctor Pit. The heap produced from this washer was landscaped and is now Gallagher Park.
    1 point
  3. From the album: Doctor Pit and Rows

    Pit Heap behind Beech Grove – Coffin Chapel on right.
    1 point
  4. From the album: Doctor Pit and Rows

    The Mechanic’s pitch looks a bit waterlogged!
    1 point
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