So.. today I finally got a response to my questions which Advance treated as a Freedom of Information request. The questions I asked were :
What is now in scope for the phases of the development, so we can see what is actually committed vs aspirations for the future?
What are the current timelines associated with these phases?
What are the current budgets for these phases?
Did we get the additional funding applied for last year from the Get Britain Building scheme?
What is the overall size of funding secured now?
How does this compare in terms of investment into other towns in the area?
NB I didn't frame this as an FOI myself it was just an email - I would have been a bit more forensic if I'd known it was going to be dealt with as an FOI.
Anyway I was advised to see the press release and "check our social media", and an additional two paragraphs :
“Advance applied for £2m funding from the Governments Getting Building Fund in November and
approval was received in January which, along with the funding from NCC, will enable the next phase
of the scheme to progress on the Market Place which will include a terrace of commercial units with
apartments above (Greggs will remain and continue to trade throughout).
We continue to work with NCC on potential options for further phases which could include an enterprise hub and leisure offer"
They did not decline to answer my questions on any particular grounds, they just chose to ignore them.
Not very satisfactory.