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  1. I don't have a problem with Private Members' Clubs determining their own membership rules. However, if these same clubs receive any financial support from 'the public purse' IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER* then they must open their membership books to all. * Charitable status, tax breaks, funding from Sports Council (or similar public bodies), grants for infrastructure and other facilities, and so on.
    1 point
  2. Bee politicians meddling in people's lives again! What a private club wants to do is up to its members. If people don't like it then don't join, start your own if need be! End. Politicians have no answers to the issues they get elected on by promising action, so justify their existence by meddling in matters they have no mandate to interfere in. Who gave Cameron the right to mess with traditional marriage? No mandate, virtually no debate, and cross-party stitch up with all the budding "social engineers" and the leagues of their "gay" buddies in parliament. A pox on the lot of them, and I will never vote for Cameron, or indeed any of the "major parties", ever again. Democracy is something they only give lip service to. They pretend they are concerned at the lack of respect they get and dwindling public support. But actually it's only when a major wake-up call is looming (like UKIP and the EU) that they start paying attention to public opinion. Unless there's organised opposition to what they are up to the country is being run by cross-party political stitch ups by three parties, that in truth have so little between them these days that you could randomly redistribute the rosettes and it would make no practical difference to anything. The Tories have completely sold out to lefty social engineering, and Labour to market capitalism and now to rolling back the welfare state. Indeed if you think doing something about the unaffordable welfare state is priority you'd be better off voting Labour, as they'd get away with the needed reforms without quite so much fuss. And, the Lib Dems will agree to practically anything to get cushy jobs for their boys too. Principals have now gone completely out of the window; the game now is say anything, do anything, just get power! When you get it follow your own hidden agenda, and ignore what the people who put you in power think.
    1 point
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