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  1. Tony, I want people who tell it as it is and don't play politics! All parties have their hangers-on, and I'd cheerfully submit that the Wallace and Gromit party have more than their fair share! They certainly had more than their fair share of convicted villains in recent years. Before you echo the establishment propoganda tell my honestly what you don't agree with here: http://www.ukip.org/issues What we have today is not a meritocracy; we have an establishment that's in a cozy duopoly to stitch-up the common man! It's completely London-centric, and loony liberal to an extent of excluding and positively suppressing what most ordinary people in the rest of the country think and feel. UKIP is the country's best - indeed only - chance of a popular revolution. If you support Labour, or the Tories, and in particular if you support the LD's, you are against democracy. That's no more evident than in the inter-party stitch-up to prevent the British people having a say on their own destiny. Cameron has now broken ranks here in order to save his own skin, but he's not to be trusted with this country's destiny, and will return to his elitist roots. None of your regular parties trust the electorate, indeed they hold ordinary people in contempt. A lot of people now see this, hence the rise and rise of The People's Army.
    1 point
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