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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/10/14 in all areas

  1. My prediction for the 2015 General Election: Coalition between the Conservatives and UKIP who are likely to have won 13 seats. With the Labour party struggling to make inroads and the total collapse of the LibDem vote, Cameron will be PM with Nigel Farage as Deputy PM. Like I said, only a prediction but time will tell.
    1 point
  2. Tony, I don't seem to be able to get this through to you: It doesn't make a scrap of difference if you vote either Labour or Tory, we are in deep doo doo. After the election the cuts will be massive, they simply have to be! This is Gordo's globalisation and it's shaping up really badly. There is no room for either Labour or Tory to manoeuvre. Miliband and Balls can spout all the empty rhetoric they want but their hands are totally tied. Ditto the Tories. They are both trying to buy votes with our own small change, and taking the public for fools. It's all PR and spin; if you vote tribally you buy into that spin. If Miliband gets elected the honeymoon won't last the usual year or two; you'll realise you've been had again by the Westminster elites within a few weeks - whether you vote Labour or Tory! You can't believe a word Labour or Tory or LD say, all they will do if re-elected is to try to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. The Euro area is certainly going to break up, and even though we have been sane enough to stay out of the Euro its failure is going to make things even worse for us. Just about every economy in the world is balanced on a knife edge. On a worldwide scale things have never looked so economically precipitous. Forget all the Labour -v- Tory crap, it's completely irrelevant to what is happening. It's a sideshow put on for fools who don't know what century they are living in. We need to distance ourselves from the EU ASAP. We need to slash the foreign aid budget massively. We need to pull back forces from overseas. And, we need a complete rethink about how this country is run. If we don't act fast the scale of the economic disaster that is going to overtake us will be like nothing you or anyone else has ever seen. It's the 21st century, so leave 20th century politics where it belongs - in the history books.
    1 point
  3. Not sure we can balance the books with just cutbacks now GGG. Going to be something locally as NCC gets to grips with its biggest one year cut back… next financial year! Thats after 4 or 5 years of cuts. Total after 8 years........over £200M! Bloodbath for services!
    1 point
  4. That's nothing to do directly with the EU Tony. The £12M we've agreed to pay the French towards their policing costs of the channel ports is a drop in the ocean here. This is the EU taking a huge sum of money off us and handing it on to France and Germany for no reason other than their economies are performing poorly. It's is an out-of-the-blue demand for an extra £30 or so for every man, woman and child in this country! It's on top of the £55M we pay to Brussels every day of the year for telling us what to do. Add to this our ridiculous foreign aid budget, the huge sums we pay for doing other nation's policing for them, and we are the biggest soft touch in the world. It's something our politicians have always gone along with because it buys them "influence". We'll, King Influence has no clothes. When we are about to be forced into huge cutbacks in public services it as to stop, and stop quickly. Not on Cameron's time scale with the national debt still soaring, but on the time scale the British public demand. Both Labour and the Tories aren't coming clean with voters. The scale of the cutbacks that have to come soon are truly massive. I will put you a few figures together, but believe me we are still living in a dream world. The current level of government spending is totally unsustainable, and things are rapidly coming to a head now. Malcolm has touched on this many times here, but it's now worse than I ever though possible.
    1 point
  5. Why do old dance halls burn down? Why do seaside piers go up in flames? Why do many old buildings get tumbled? Spot a pattern here ... yep, it's often the owners/developers after the insurance money or trying to circumvent planning difficulties. A note to 'learned friends' ...I am not suggesting that those who tumbled the smithy are involved for any of the above reasons!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  6. If the house is stone or brick check the gutters outside for leaks when it rains, it could also be creeping damp from the ground up on the 1st floor
    1 point
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