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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/01/15 in all areas

  1. Don't worry about network integrity Maggie, Ive got TOi (The Other internet) just about ready to roll. It's hack, and even electromagnetic pulse proof. Got a few teething problems due to spuggies perching on the waxed string, but I'm training some of the local moggies to patrol the network on quadcopters. We can't promise to match normal ISP speeds any time soon, but we do have a protocol to transmit your old 78's faithfully (including all the needle jumps and scratches). So, please don't turn any more into flowerpots! ------------------------ Seriously: Have a look at a Chromebook (there used to be several models). The great thing is that Google will keep it fully up-to-date and virus free for you, and you won't need to shell out serious money for applications. https://play.google.com/store/devices/details?id=chromebook_acer_c720_black_wifi_2gb
    1 point
  2. Toffo, Town Council can only submit a response..........personally I am not even sure our replies are looked at, although I have been assured they are!......................................................................................... There are a lot of people commentating on Facebook about this development now. Maybe this is the one too far and we might even see the community galvanised into a strong and determined pressure group for our Town......................................................
    1 point
  3. I'm somewhat concerned at the Miller Homes planning application for the houses just to the north of the B1331 and abutting the current houses on Meadowdale Farm estate. Whilst I will most certainly be attending the public meeting I wonder if any other contributors to this forum feel as I do. There is not the infrastructure in Bedlington to support an increased populace for a start to say nothing of the destruction of green field farming land and the strip of woodland running alongside (Green Letch ) - is this strip of woodland tended (owned)? by the Woodland Trust.
    1 point
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