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  1. Yes 7, Whitsun Gardens a time of no cares and total innocents.
    2 points
  2. I don't know if this is the right location but The first Locomotive built for the Italian railways was built at Bedlington iron works (though the Italians say it was built at Newcastle) the loco is on display at the railway museum in Naples and guess what the loco is called Longridge. As Robert Stevenson spent that much time away building railways all over the world Mr. Longridge ran both the works at Bedlington and Newcastle. Hope this info helps.
    1 point
  3. Bedlington coal company bought the iron works around 1880 and the remaining paper work after the fire at the iron works was kept at Bedlington collieries group offices at Bedlington A pit. The head clerk Stan Warren would have known where about it was kept and what happen to it.
    1 point
  4. Why the *heck* did I not learn this at school? I studied (and failed) O-Level history at BHS and NEVER knew that Railway lines were invented there. Blame my teacher J (smelly) Turnock!
    1 point
  5. Info in the British Listed Buildings - English Heritage Building ID: 235924 A stone, (Watson's Wake) is to be found on the tower and is dedicated to Cuthbert Watson, a local personality who died in 1669 and the stone commemorates the fatal fall from the tower of the local somnambulist. Medical Definition of somnambulism. - an abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (as walking) are performed. Common definition = sleepwalking.
    1 point
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