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Showing content with the highest reputation since 13/02/25 in Image Comments

  1. I remember the shop in market place very well. Jimmy Milne's. As mentioned you had so much choice. I used to visit the cafe on the right hand side and have tea and soup. The young lass I went out with at the time worked in the office there. Really nice lass and She eventually went and joined the police force. I imagine She would have done very well as an intelligent lass and could write in short hand which would have been helpful. It is rather sad all these places closed but it is the same all over. Time stands still for no one. Thanks for the memories. Regards. Jim
    3 points
  2. Bowers Garage is visible in this photo of The Neuk. For those of us who lived at the "bottom end" (Hollymount, Millfield) and worked at the Doctor Pit, the quickest route to work was through The Neuk and into the railway siding of the pit, located just behind Bowers Garage. In mining terminology, each end of a longwall face was known as a "neuk," meaning a dead end. Similarly, if you entered The Neuk from the marketplace, you would find no through road—hence the name The Neuk.
    1 point
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