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Warm Zones have worked in partnership with Ashington based Bernicia to bring hundreds of homes up to date in energy efficiency terms.
Warm Zones are a not for profit organisation and aim to improve energy efficiency in the home, reduce fuel bills and provide a warmer, healthier home by supplying loft and cavity wall insulation. Properly insulated homes can lead to major savings on energy bills as well as other benefits such as helping to keep the householder warm and healthy.
The partnership between the two organisations enabled Warm Zones vital home insulation work to be done before Bernicia undertook the exterior refurbishment of 256 homes in Hartlands, St John's, Bothal Cottages and Burnside in Bedlington and Ashington.
The work has saved each householder, on average around £100 per year off their energy bills with an equivalent total carbon saving of a staggering 6,731 lifetime tonnes.
The projects were supported from Npower Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding.

Warm Zones, Alan Milburn explained that the work was made easier due to the proactive partnership with Bernicia. " These homes were not the easiest of properties to insulate due to their original construction. We had to employ methods including specialist insulation extraction equipment to ensure that the property benefited from the new insulation. Having so many to do and against tight deadlines for Bernicia's renovation schedules made the task all the harder. However, our relationship with Bernicia meant that careful planning and consultations made the work go smoothly and to plan.
"We've had excellent feedback from residents and feel that we have strong links with the community and Bernicia alike. We will employ the same strategy when we look at insulating homes in Guide Post and Choppington in the coming months."
"Overall, we are all delighted at the success of this project and can look forward to using this as a benchmark for future hard to treat homes in the Northumberland area."
Steve Williams, Bernicia's Stock Investment Programme Manager agreed.
"It's great to work in true partnership with Warm Zones. We are both focused on helping make the properties more energy efficient, which is paying dividends for our tenants.
Photo shows John Leslie (WZ),Steve Williams and Bob Miller (Bernicia) and Alan Milburn (WZ)
The Warm Zones can be contacted on: 008000 199969 or text warm to 80800

Malcolm Robinson
A resident's group "Bedlington in Bloom" in partnership with West Bedlington Town Council is to hold a summer gardening competition for West Bedlington residents. This is the first time West Bedlington Town Council has organised a gardening competition and it wants to encourage as many residents as possible to enter. The competition is just one initiative of the Bedlington in Bloom group to help generate a real interest within the community, to enhance and improve the environment and a pride in the West Bedlington area. The group, chaired by retired resident Hugh Kerr, has a varied makeup with residents, representatives from the business and church communities as well as Town Councillors. The garden competition which is being supported by Barchester Health Care and Birchwood Nurseries of Stannington Station, is open to all West Bedlington residents, within three categories: large garden, small garden or garden area, and senior citizens or disabled person's garden. Hugh Kerr, chairman of the resident's group said, "We would like to encourage as many residents as possible to enter the competition. Judging will take place during July with a presentation of prizes taking place in autumn. This is a real opportunity for the whole community to get involved in something that can improve the general feeling of wellbeing in the community through gardening. We hope it will also showcase some of the wonderful gardens we have in the area".
Entry to the competition is free. Entry forms are available from West Bedlington Town Council, Bedlington Community Centre, Front Street West, Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 5TT, Telephone 01670 457070 or online at the Councils website www.westbedlington.org.uk and from various locations in Bedlington. The Closing date for entries is Friday 4th July 2014.
Entry Form: 2014 Entry Form Gardening Competition.pdf

Northumbria Police
Shed burglary in Bedlington
Between 6pm Thursday, May 15, and 10am Saturday, May 17, thieves broke into a garden shed in Humford Way.
They stole items including a black toolbox containing tools, a number of light fittings and a green Challenge petrol strimmer.
Enquiries are ongoing into the break-in and police are appealing for anyone with any information to contact them on 101 ext 69191 quoting reference number 26722W/14
View the full article

Bedlington's biggest family fun day is back on Saturday 21st June, from 10:30am-3:30pm, at Attlee Park in Bedlington.
We have a fantastic prize to give away this year, with a luxury hamper up for grabs, including goodies such as wine (over 18s!), chocolates, a £10 intu gift card, which can be used at Eldon Square or the Metro Centre, and much more!
All you have to do to be in with a shout of winning is 'Join' the Facebook Event and share the competition post
Or alternatively follow The Big Event on Twitter @TheBigEvent14 and RT the competition Tweet to be in with a shout of winning!
We'll put all followers into a hat and announce the winner on 21st June.
So get spreading the word - and good luck!
Facebook Event Page
Twitter Event Account


Charity Hair Cut

By ArtyGirl95, in News,

Many kids and teens across the country suffer from either a form of cancer or from alopecia. As a result of treatment for cancer, many children will suffer hair loss as a side effect, although many kids handle this incredibly well, it can still obviously be an upsetting and perhaps traumatic experience for some.
The charity, The Little Princess trust, works to create a special wig for any child who is suffering from hair loss retaliated to these illnesses. Each child gets a free wig, personally tailored to them, they get these wigs for the duration of their treatment. These wigs can help give confidence back to a child who's already gone through an awful ordeal.
On the 1st of July Amy Eastlake, local resident and sixth former at St Benet Biscop RC High School, will be cutting off her hair to donate it to the charity so that they can use it to make a wig for one of these children in need. As well as this she is also hoping to raise at least £350 for the charity, as that is the typical cost to make just one of the specialised wigs. Amy has an online My Donate page and has so far received £202 in support of her cause.
Donations on the page are accepted until the 1st of October this year.

The Big Event 3 is taking place at Attlee Park in Bedlington on Saturday 21st June and there are still stalls available for businesses and community organisations to sell, network and promote themselves in an informal setting.
Jonny Hall, Assistant Manager of Leading Link, said: "The Big Event last year attracted in excess of 2000 people and as a result, it represents the perfect stage for a shop, business or other organisation to interact with the local community."
"Some choose to sell their products or services, others fundraise or offer quirky competitions and most use it as an opportunity to talk to local residents, families and young people about what they can offer."
A stall on the field costs just £15 for the day (£10 if based in Bedlington).
There are limited spaces available, so if you are interested in coming along then please contact the Leading Link team as soon as possible, by calling 01670 820088 or emailing info@leadinglink.co.uk

- Original Article - Leading Link Website

Malcolm Robinson
The Music Box itself has a large digital memory with songs from many years ago right up to the present and a huge range of styles.
Whilst the team at Mind Active will be using the Music Box to deliver sing-a-long sessions at local care homes the Music Box is available to other local organisations who deal with elderly residents in Bedlington. Please get in touch with the Development Trust if you qualify and want to use it.

E-Mail bdt@bedlington.co.uk Tel/ 07564517735.

"Singing is an activity that accesses the long-term memory. This can also be especially helpful for those who are coming to terms with living with Dementia, or have had a stroke or have been diagnosed with Parkinson's. The Music Box, whose programmes are designed by the charity Sing For Your Life, has proved successful in a variety of placements - residential care homes, hospitals and community centres."

Malcolm Robinson
Having only recently been formed the committee are quite obviously keen to do whatever is necessary to make the improvements in Bedlington's appearance which will result in the town moving up the ranking in the Northumberland in Bloom competition.
With a huge variety of newly instigated initiatives coming through shortly and support from many local groups and individuals there can be no doubt what colour of award is being targeted!
This is one document well worth the read through!

CJ Orr
Over the years the north-east has been used in many film and TV productions, notably 'Get Carter' and 'Vera'. The film industry in the north-east has never been particularly strong and a large amount of film makers move else where.

For 3 years Mrorrc film productions has been making short films and sketches in Bedlington and Cramlington due to their beautiful locations.
You may have seen the group of young film makers around Humford Woods. Despite the lead director (Chris Orr) and camera operator (Maccauley Cullen) having extremely limited resources they have managed to make 30+ videos for the YouTube channel all of which are filmed in Northumberland.

As of Wednesday the 2nd of April Mrorrc film productions is launching a patreon campaign. A Patron of the arts was typically a wealthy family or political member a few hundred years ago. People would become Patrons as a way to show off their status in society and to give artists the means to make a living with out creative restraints. In the modern era of small film productions in order to produce a short film or project a director must seek funding from grants and art funds, both of which involve a lot of hoop jumping to meet criteria, and can often suck the creative freedom out of a local film. However crowd funding has changed that, and now local people can support local artists. To learn about how Patreon works click
.Any one can become a patron of the local artists by visiting there page (www.patreon.com/mrorrc) and giving a little bit of money. By giving a bit of money you will allow the independent film makers to create films that showcase Northumberland and Bedlington as the beautiful places they are.

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