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Andy Millne

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Andy Millne last won the day on February 18

Andy Millne had the most liked content!


370 Excellent


About Andy Millne

  • Birthday 04/10/1983

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  • Interests
    Web Development
    Home Automation
    Soy Sauce

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  1. Not heard of Cambels Church Yard. Perhaps "Cambois"? https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/16143/
  2. Latest updates I can find on this rollout is https://www.northumberlandgazette.co.uk/business/consumer/openreach-to-upgrade-broadband-in-bedlington-belford-embleton-prudhoe-and-seaton-delaval-4645315 In May 2024 it was announced as being added to the rollout plan so sometime before end of 2026.
  3. You should just be able to drag and drop the video into your post or upload to the gallery. If it's not a playable format inline it will embed as an attachment for download. You can also upload to Youtube/Vimeo and paste the link from there and it will embed inline here. e.g.
  4. Green-fingered youngsters at a Bedlington primary school have helped to create a new garden space in the school grounds. The Reflection Garden at St Bede’s was developed by the father of two of the school’s pupils, with areas allocated to each year group to plant and maintain. It’s also a permanent memorial to a much-loved member of the school family. “The children wished for the area to be a place where children and adults could reflect upon past, present, and the future,” said Headteacher Therese Worrall. “It can be a prayer space for children, and it can also be a place of growth.” As well as the children taking part in the project, St Bede’s is keen for parents and carers to get involved. “We would love the children to work with their grown-ups from home to maintain what is there and plant new flowers and shrubs,” continued Mrs Worrall. “Each class will have the bed year after year, with the Year 6 children passing to the new Reception each September. Gardening can be done at the beginning or end of the school day, and, if anyone has any spare time during the day, they are also very welcome to come and help.” Designed to promote calm and foster a love of nature, the space also features a memorial plaque to Joan Riley, a former governor and teacher at the school, a member of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust. Besides her long standing role as school governor, Mrs Riley saw her children and four grandchildren attend the school and was a parishioner at St Bede’s Church. “There are some very important people who helped St Bede’s become the wonderful school that it is, and one particular person was Mrs Joan Riley,” explained Mrs Worrall. “She was key to the school developing at the beginnings to a new chapter as it converted from a first school to a primary school in 2010. Joan continued to provide strong, strategic leadership as Chair of Governors for many years – she was also the voice of reason for me as a headteacher. “Sadly, Joan passed away in September 2020, and she is a huge miss to all who loved her, including the St Bede’s community.” Comments from the children on the new garden included Lily, who said, “It’s to have a little moment to yourself”, and Grace, who said: “It allows every class to have some responsibility and make the areas look nice.” Fellow pupil Sadie added: “It’s to help us remember important people like my Grandma Joan.” “We look forward to seeing how the once bland, muddy, dull area continues to flourish throughout the year, and children and adults enjoy time there,” said Mrs Worrall.
  5. @Keiren Scott Frank has messaged the site in error instead of replying to this topic. I have messaged you directly with his response as it contains some private info. Hopefully he’ll be able to get logged in if there is anything you wish to share publicly.
  6. Im a week or two behind but the Gallery updates are now live. Hopefully you'll find it more usable.
  7. LOL definitely not. My wife is the baker. We can't be too disappointed. If anybody had said last year that we would be where we are now we wouldn't have believed them.
  8. Just a heads up that there is a long overdue Gallery update coming in February. The way images are added is staying the same but there will be some fairly big improvements in how the images are presented to members. The main changes are the awful screen overlay is being removed and the overview page will be much better at highlighting images that are being commented on.
  9. Thanks @Alan Edgar (Eggy1948) I've added a few names and created the poll. Still time for more nominations. Voting open until the first seconds of 2023
  10. Thank you. I've been spoiled. 🍺
  11. The event called “The Community Gala” will take place on the 1st of July 2023 at Attlee Park in Bedlington and we can't wait to see you all there!
  12. until
    Join us for the first *free* networking event at CO22 in Bedlington. All businesses from Bedlington and the surrounding area are welcome. Guest speaker: Since 2007, Amy has been helping businesses like yours create pioneering brands to be proud of. Gain clarity on your brand, promote your business, learn about others and discover the new space for coworking. 6:30 - Drinks reception. 7:00 - Guest speaker. 7:30 - Relaxed networking. Drinks and appetisers will be provided and all members are very welcoming. Please mark yourself as going using the links on this page and share with others. For any questions or more info please email info@co22.uk or call in to the office.
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