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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. nope not at all just pointing out the lack of ambition we have. Ok let's say there already is the "right number of stores for this area" I doubt that a population of 15,400 would be too small to serve one store so mcds must think that people will travel to get to stores in the surrounding towns. So... I'd be giving BK/KFC a ring and pointing out that if mcdonalds are right and people will travel that distance why not stick a store in the geographic centre of these towns (Bedlington) and serve all 5?
  2. The email doesn't say that at all. Also, since when did Blyth have a population of 81,300? Your figure there includes the Cramlington population you have quoted seperately and the rest of Blyth Valley. Further, Cramlington with a population of 39,000 is served by 2 McDonalds so one serving 15,400 isn't too much of a stretch from those numbers.
  3. Giving up already? Is the car garage at the bottom of glebe road still vacant. That's a major road surrounded by a high population. Also close to town centre and 2 major supermarkets.
  4. Great you've now done more than anybody else in the town has to making this "pipe dream" a reality. You're now only a few steps away from getting Bedlington on that list. Keep it up! I'll be the first in line for a supersize meal.
  5. Because it takes somebody to actually DO it not just expect other people to do it for them. We as a town have been very complacent while other people in other places have just got on with it. There are obvious events in the past that are to blame for this complacency (I'm not going to list them because they've been done to death in other threads) but we can't keep living in the past.
  6. You are missing the point Monsta. Both Subway and McDonalds are franchises and the OP obviously thinks there is a market for it in Bedlington. Whether the chains would agree to sell a franchise because of territory positioning (or if one of the existing franchise territories already includes Bedlington) is another matter, but if somebody with the right entrepreneurial flair convinced them they could run it profitably then it wouldn't be a pipe dream. Saying there are too few people to use them is nonsense.
  7. Possibly not McDonalds due the seating requirements but certainly a subway. I agree that McDonalds is probably a non starter but not for your reasons given. Both your statements here as to why are completely false. Firstly McDonalds use a huge variety of signage to satisfy local planning conditions. There are any amount of options here, even a typically lit "halo lit" style McDonalds sign would be well within planning conditions. Too near residential domains? Says who? Yes change of use would have to be applied for in a number of instances but would not simply be refused for the reasons you have stated.
  8. I will be chatting with the headmaster of St Benet Biscop next week. I'll make sure to pass on your comments 3G
  9. Is there no appeal process? It sounds like you have genuine grounds for appeal there and I certainly wouldn't be throwing more money at Microsoft to fix the problem if that's the case. Are the hard drives not just an optional additional storage addon and not physically required for the machine to work. If that's the case it's probably easy enough to format the drive to make sure it's clean of anything that may be on it.
  10. Hi Rea welcome to the site. There's two recent discussion topics on this. here... http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/topic/2230-red-lion-planning-notice/ and here... http://www.bedlington.co.uk/community/topic/2568-red-lion-restaurant/ The second link contains the most up to date information.
  11. Maybe it's so they can get served by their friends and get free happy meals. McDonalds and Subway are franchises though Jason, if you think there is a market why not get proactive and do it yourself? You've obviously got at least some ambition by the fact you're posting here about it.
  12. An economic debate on the future of Bedlington will be held on 14th January at 6pm in the Bedlington Community Centre. Everyone is welcome.
  13. It's not a shortage of fast food it's a shortage of "brand names" across all retail. In the past these probably would have been seen as a bad thing and a sure fire way of putting the independants out of business. That's not an issue anymore as they've kind of done that for themselves. The trouble is now we have a chicken and egg problem.
  14. From the album: New Years Day 2010

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  15. Andy Millne

    New Years Day 2010

    Bedlington in the snow on New Year's Day
  16. From the album: New Years Day 2010

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  17. From the album: New Years Day 2010

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  18. From the album: New Years Day 2010

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  19. From the album: New Years Day 2010

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