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Andy Millne

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Everything posted by Andy Millne

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibXVBRhWH2k&NR=1
  2. by a new "Help Hub"... http://www.bedlington.co.uk/2010/03/new-community-help-hub/
  3. I'm talking about a Town map not just a Front Street Map. Humford/Plessey Woods, Iron Works, Atlee Park, Dr Pit Park, Health Centre, Library, Comunity/Tourist information centre etc. I was going to do a "shopping directory" to replace the hopeless business directory we have at the moment. A map would be a good idea for that I think too.Will see what I can do.
  4. Andy Millne

    New Community Help Hub

    New assistance for those on benefits or looking for work arrives in Bedlington this week with the opening of a Community Help Hub at 30 Front Street West, just across the road from the Lion Petrol Station. The Help Hub, an initiative of County Church Wansbeck, will offer free telephone access to 0870, 0845 and 0800 numbers and free internet access to those seeking to apply for jobs or benefits. The Church, which does not have a building of its own and meets each Sunday in Bedlington Community Centre at 11 am, has taken on the rental of an empty shop across the road from where it meets, and hopes to use it for the good of the community. "There are a number of people now who only have mobile phones, and no access to a landline", said Dennis Fancett, a leader of County Church. "It is really expensive to call these so called free and low cost numbers from mobiles, yet most statutory agencies including our very own County Council and most government helplines now insist these numbers are used should you wish to contact them. We believe the Help Hub will provide an answer to those who could not otherwise afford to do so. You can also use our internet service for job applications and to sort out benefits, again a boon for those with no internet at home or pay as you go only, or who may need to phone up for help whilst completing an internet form". "We are convinced there is a real need for this service" he continued. "In fact, during the last few months, whilst we have been setting up the Help Hub, we've become aware of a very similar service now provided by statutory agencies for one day a week in each of Ashington, Blyth and Morpeth. This convinces us we are on the right track. Whilst obviously we look to work closely and compliment these other services, our focus is to offer something in Bedlington, a community that so often gets overlooked, and of course we will be open 3 days a week thanks to our staff who are mainly volunteers." Church member Alan Rapley secured funding from Vodafone's World of Difference programme to enable him to work as a project co-ordinator for 2 months, helping in all the work needed to covert the empty shop and liasing with other agencies. "I firmly believe that the services the Community Help Hub are offering are going to make a real difference to those in the Bedlington and wider Wansbeck area who are struggling financially and who need help to sort out their benefits or look for work." said Alan. Over time, it is hoped the range of services that can be offered through the Help Hub can be expanded. "We have a large meeting room upstairs and seminars and advice on subjects such as parenting skills, writing a cv, money management and dealing with addictions are all under consideration said Dennis, though initially we just need to focus on the basic Help Hub service. The initial set up costs and ongoing running costs for the Help Hub are currently being met entirely through donations from Church members", he added. The Help Hub opens Tuesday 16th March and normal opening times will be Tuesday to Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. However, as it is staffed by volunteers, there may be some variations to these times during holiday periods. The Help Hub is open to all members of the public who wish to use its services. Read what Bedlington.co.uk members think in the forums.
  5. 3. Watch This Topic Don't have anything to say on a topic just yet but interested in how it develops? click "Watch this topic" to get notified by email when somebody replies.
  6. Found the league http://www.f1tipping.com/F1Tipping/LeagueProfile.aspx?l=1147 But can't find anywhere to join.
  7. Time: 7pm to 9pm Location: Bedlington Station Residents Association Station Street, Bedlington Organised By: George Webster (Chairman)
  8. Are you going to set up a mini league to join?
  9. Didn't test the brakes though did they
  10. Last night I was speaking to a couple who moved here a few months ago and they didn't even know Dr. Pitt park existed. What do people think of having a large scale town map in the Market Place? it could point these places out to visitors. It's something that should be quite low cost and shouldn't attract too much red tape.
  11. In a slight change from the other ongoing discussions of why haven't we got.....x......? I thought I'd post a topic to try and find out reasons why people might not use some of the facilities we do have. Maybe you go to Asda for your shopping instead of the more local Tesco? what's the reason for that? Is it simply price? choice? or is there something else? Is this the same reason that other retailers in the town don't get your business if you choose to shop elsewhere? What should local retailers be doing to change this? Why do you not use the community centre? or maybe the library? the park? thoughts?
  12. Most people that have obviously spotted the car look bemused, but this guy knows the score... Give us a wave
  13. Does anybody know if the plans are available anywhere? There's nothing on the Planning Portal site?
  14. I don't agree with negative rep either but thought it would be good to trial now we have more active members aware of it's existence. It shouldn't be about popularity or whether you agree/disagree it should be about the quality of posts but unfortunately it can be used as a tool by the childish. I've added a poll in any case as that is how these disagreements are usually decided. Voting closes Wednesday lunchtime
  15. Sign at the old Hennessy Kitchens shop has revealed that there will be a "Discount Fashion" shop in it's place. Opening soon. Will Bedlington folk finally have somewhere to buy fresh kegs?
  16. Heard second hand that, according to the Market Place Regeneration Scheme Team, Tesco are imminently submitting their plans for the Bedlington site. Now I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before but we'll see.
  17. Sadly didn't make it as I was distracted by a game of guess the agricultural machinery in a rival watering hole. Any good? worth a trip next week?
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