Trouble is in this country we have a whole class of people who think they can do as they like, expect us to pay them for sitting on their arses and fund theier kids upbringings. They have no respect or regard for teachers, police, firemen, old people or anyone really. A few simple yet highly effective measures would kerb these worrying trends. Firstly in order to get dole money the person has to attend a Goverment run factory and work 5 x 8 hour shifts. There would be a creche to look after their kids here and the product would be irrelevant. This would deter teenage lasses getting pregnant as a career move (present situation) so they can sit in their council flats watching !*!@# daytime telly, rent paid. Secondly prisons are full, expensive to run, and far too soft. Contract them out to foreign countries and pay them to house our scum. EG say a prisoner here costs £1000 per week to house, maybe Greece or Turkey would do it for £500, and give the bastards a proper hard time to boot. They dont seem to go back for more in these countries. Also if a kid does something the parent should be fined. No money? Do some shifts at the Government factory to pay it off. Parent fails to attend factory / fails to pay fine?? SEND HIM ABROAD FOR A SPELL IN PRISON. This will sort alot out these problems we have. I am not a hard line right wing nutter, just an ordinary bloke who is sick of seeing society slip to the level of this !*!@# underclass. These lazy, ignorant !*!@# heads are dragging us all down and no one has the bottle to sort them. I doubt any government will have the balls to make the bold moves we need. Gun crime / drug dealing?? 100 years in foreign prison and zero tolerance. Also police need to enforce laws on ALL people and not have exemptions for big drug dealers who keep calm for them and inform and enforce on their behalf. This would leave the decent normal people to exist in a peace and not live in terror.