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Sun Inn Murders 100 Years "the Whole Story"
mercuryg replied to johndawsonjune1955's topic in History Hollow
Stacey, we would be interested to hear more if you are party to information we are not? It's a very interesting and important local story. -
Thank you Bill. One question: can I ask what efforts were made to attract sponsors to this year's Live event?
"its apparent with all the houses being built here" That''s right, so with all those houses being built, that's more people to shop in the town, yes? At the moment there's limited choice; expand that choice, and people won't need to go out of town.
"The problems farmers have were there well before Brexit..." Indeed they were. "we need a government that will encourage robotics and innovation, as well as operating a fair work visa system that's not politicised" On the former, there's only so much that can be done on the land by machine. Some of the equipment used around here is pretty impressive, yet a machine to out-pace a couple of dozen cutting leaks without excessive waste is the stuff of dreams. As for the work visa situation, agreed. "it's always very easy to attack others for being lazy" Even easier when they are. I still question why the hoards of unemployed in the region are not flocking to fill our neighbouring farmers dozen part time vacancies.
"A "whole wedge" of voters frequently do the right thing for the wrong reason, and a "whole wedge" do the wrong thing for the right reason. " Very true. "I think you'll be really struggling to find any politician of note on the Leave side who ever claimed anyone was going anywhere. " Also very true, yet it didn't stop a whole wedge of voters shouting leave for that reason, did it? "The Remain side also perpetrated the lies that we'd starve because Poles wouldn't be able to work on low income jobs, and that produce would go bad in the fields..." Now that's an interesting point. Out of interest, and as you and I both know the agricultural workers from Eastern Europe are not going to be 'sent home' (I speak of those who are here legally, working, paying taxes etc) who do you surmise would to the job of picking turnips, cutting leeks, pulling beet - all necessary - if, in fact, those foreign manual workers were not here? This is less of a political question, rather a practical one. What I find odd is that there are x-however-many unemployed in the country, a good proportion of them home-grown (like the turnips) yet they're not the ones in the fields in all weathers, doing jobs that are frankly not very enjoyable. So, unless we are to assume that all of a sudden the UK-born unemployed would flock to the farms, without those European workers, the produce would go bad in the fields (and, for your information, a lot of it does, because the farmers still cannot get enough hands to do the job.) One other by-product of Brexit, and the lies you rightly point out were heavily promoted, has been a great increase in racial abuse towards the Eastern European population around here (I'm surrounded by turnip and leek fields, farms in general, and a few miles from 'Little Poland' otherwise known as Boston, Lincolnshire) from those who now think they should 'go home'. It's not nice to see. Of course, that comes from ignorant knuckleheads, but then they make up a good proportion of the voting population. So, while I agree with you that there are political benefits from Brexit, and while the foreign contingent around here are no longer worried about it, the farmers are, and have cause to be. They want more overseas hands, because they are willing to do the work. For the record, a friend spent the spring working in a orchard, pruning. She was the sole Brit among 18 Romanians. Without them, no apples for you.
Interesting lack of response to this. From the level of general talk at the moment - that is away from the press and in the real world - it would seem that people (around here at least) have lost interest in Brexit. I guess that's what happens when you drag your heels. Even the local Eastern European contingent are no longer concerned in the least. I wonder is this a deliberate dragging of heels by those in charge, or are they simply stuck? Meanwhile, somebody's filled in some potholes!
There's an interesting idea...I wonder...
No problem at all. You get a lifetime supply of empty crisp packets from the floor of my car.
I believe there are new retailers lined up, for several of the units including the larger supermarket.
I love lupins! We have hundreds of seedlings here! The invasion begins! So what are the national flowers over there? What do people grow in their gardens if not lupins?
I don't think I'll be around for this event this year (which likely gives certain members the belief I should't comment on it) but will say I would be there if I was. It's a great community event organised by a good friend of mine who puts her absolute heart and soul into the day, and I doubt anyone could do it better. Should I happen to be in the area, I'll avoid the absolute hell that is apparently the rest of the town, where it seems you can't move an inch without someone weeing in the street or punching someone else's lights out, and head down here. Good luck!
You didn't say every one of them my good man, Moe; you did not, however, mention anything BUT the poor behaviour you witnessed, which led me to believe that was entirely everything you saw! Of course, I know it was not, as I know you will also have seen many people enjoying themselves in a perfectly acceptable manner, as did my friends. Yet, you see fit not to talk about them (and, to be frank, there's little doubt they make up the majority). So, why not say 'well how lovely it was to see so many people out enjoying themselves; such a pity there were a few who made idiots of themselves etc'? As that would clearly be a truer picture of the scene, would it not? Instead, you see fit to paint only the blacker picture. A pity, really, when the general consensus is that it was a good day had by all but the few who can't take their drink.
Oh, I stand corrected! I didn't know that every single person who was out on Sunday afternoon was drunk, vomiting, urinating and fighting! I tell you what, find me a town on any Saturday night that doesn't have its share of idiots. As I said above, I won't tar everyone with the same brush. I've talked to plenty of my friends who were out on Bedlington Front Street for Bedrock (and I have quite a lot, because I'm a nice sort of guy!) and most for the duration; not one got so drunk they fell over; none took a leak in the street; none threw up in public, and none got into a fight. So that's two dozen people who were not behaving as described, perhaps they were the only ones? I do think, Moe, that you're so set on finding the negatives, you miss the fact that a hell of a lot of people had a great day out, without causing an ounce of bother. Just like you or I would do.
I doubt it was anything akin to Beirut. Zombie flick, possibly, as I've heard Foxy was about, and he's one of the living dead! I'm told it was a great day, and yes, there was some bother. I won't tar all with the same brush, however, as there's always a few who spoil it for the many. And both historical - I see The Nail casting its very historical shadow into one of the pictures there - and hysterical at the same time - who can complain at that? History should be fun! Good to see people out and about in a beautiful town on a lovely day (see, it's not difficult to find the positives).
All very good points, and another problem to deal with. I was addressing one, I have little idea where to go with this one. I'm not sure I agree, however, that the houses being built are 'overpriced' (well, I suppose all houses are in a way) as they compare rather nicely with some other areas I've lived in!
Once again, you miss my point entirely. Heritage is important to a lot of people, as is history. Once more, have you been to Woodhorn, the pit museum? It's seen more than a million people visit since it opened. That's not bad for something that people are not interested in. Now you, and to a point myself, may be glad to see the back of the horrible conditions and such that you mention, but others who have no experience of it may well - well, are, as 1million people are testament to - be interested. Why is illustrating and promoting the importance of Bedlington in the railways so alien to you? What harm is it going to do? what is the problem with letting people know about the once-world leading ironworks that existed there at one time? What harm will it do anyone? It hasn't done Woodhorn any! Ehat about teh flight of the monks and St Cuthbert, and his alleged resting at the Church? Other places make something of history. The upshot is - which you've also missed - if you create something that brings people in, it creates the footfall needed to encourage other retailers. It is time to look forward, and resurrecting the heritage of the town is a great place to start. I'm disappointed you can't see it, as I find it very interesting indeed.
Really? There you go then! It could do with being in place now, as it seems a lot of youngsters have no concept of taking responsibility.
"and litter picks what a laugh ..we pay for them sarvices man..." Ah, the old British approach; we pay for it, let others do it! If I see litter on the street, I pick it up and put it in a bin. Do you, or do you walk past? I don't think 'no, I'm not picking that up, I don't get paid for it'. Instil that attitude in people - and it is being so in the younger generations - and you end up with exactly what you are complaining about: a town that is a mess, that is rife with vandalism, and where there are spaces full of junk. Because people are happy to leave it that way for someone else, who is paid for it, to come along and do it. Vicious circle, isn't it? I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's in Japan where, rather than a caretaker tidying up the school after the day, the kids have to do it. Hence, they are taught from an early age that it's their mess to deal with, and that if they don't clear it up, nobody else is going to do it. Food for thought.
"Aye ya a canny lad hinny, but as a say ya livin in La La land! Nice to see others getting in on this one. Thanks for your kind words, Moe, but no, I'm not living in La La Land; i'm firmly in the 21st century. As for the heritage aspect, have you ever visited Woodhorn Colliery Museum? It's very, very popular, and highlights the past industrial heritage of the area. It's not a lost cause. Bedlington has a very important industrial heritage that is barely touched upon; why not highlight it? I like the gateway features, they are nicely done. My point is make the heritage of the town visible - push the importance of the iron works and the engine works, make it worth people visiting, and then you have people to use the shops, cafes and other retail outlets. Or, keep moaning on about how the town is downtrodden and dead. That will do the trick. (for an example, the nearest small town to me has a rich aviation history; you can't move an inch without seeing street signs with an aeroplane on, notice boards explaining the importance of this site and the other, and so on; it's not expensive, and it brings people in). Business: I run one, too, and I suspect many on here have plenty of knowledge about running a business. The thing is, these days, cash is becoming less and less popular as a payment choice. Pretty soon - and within my lifetime I reckon - it will be largely obsolete. What's the point in carrying heavy coins and easy to lose notes when you can use one, single plastic card to do the same job? What's the point, indeed, in continuing with the expensive routine of actually making coins and printing money? It makes no sense. I don't think I'm alone in that I rarely use cash; I can even buy a pint with a swipe of a card. It's not the future, it's the present. Vic hit the nail on the head with the stuff about how towns have changed; they have, and they're not going to change back. I note Roscoe's comment, too, about the new development, and how Bedlington 'plays second fiddle' to Ashington; that's irrelevant, it's not what it's about. Ashington has was it has, it's not a competition. So, back to Moe; once again, if you're so bothered, why not do something about it? Others have dedicated their time not to moaning on here, but to standing for local council and playing an active part. You have endless business experience, life experience, and are local, you're ideal! Put yourself forward. (I'm now going to write on a piece of paper, and photograph it with a date stamp, precisely what Moe's reaction to that suggestion will be...)
Historic is great if you make something of it, capitalise on the heritage of the town, and make that the reason people want to visit. What follows then is that retailers have people to sell something to. I'm aware that at least one of the local County Councillors is of the same train of thought. The short-sightedness of some people is infuriating. You're getting a new town centre development that has been pushed for for many years; it won't please everyone, but I'm pretty sure when it's done, you'll be able to buy a pair of socks. The question is this: will you? Will you, and others, utilise the local shops and satisfy their need for footfall, or will you continue to shop in bigger, more expansive superstores elsewhere? Because Bedlington, thanks to it's available space and location, is never going to get a Manor Walks, or even a Bebside Asda. You're always going to have smaller, satellite stores offering the basics. For the record, if you want the lavvy when you're out, the Red Lion welcomes you, and no, you don't have to buy a drink. As for local banks, they're a thing of the past throughout the country - and in the wider Western world. A bit like cheque books. I concur with you about the problems with vandalism and so on (although I would say I see more examples of a drugs and drink problem in my local, much smaller town than back there) but that's not the town's fault, and nor is it that of the people who are trying their best to improve things. It's something the police need to tackle. Here's an idea: if you're so bothered about it, why not put your hand in? I see plenty posts on FB about people organising litter picks in the parks; there's volunteer groups who tend to the planters and hanging baskets on Front Street; goodness, you could even pick up a piece or two of that rubbish blowing about the place, and put it in the bin! There's a thought for you!
Yeah, I moved from a place where there is apparently nothing, to a place where there is actually nothing. You think Bedlington had potholes? You reckon the town has no facilities? Try here! The point I was making is that, to coin a phrase, you don't miss your water until your well runs dry. Bedlington is a pretty, historic and friendly town. Cherish it.
What a pity to find such comments as this. I no longer live there, but upon returning (as I regularly do) it's always a joy to drive down the wide, tree-lined Front Street - it looks lovely at this time of year - and admire the flowers and planters that have so lovingly been put together by volunteers who take pride in the town. I guess I'm not one to focus on the negatives. I'm a little perplexed by Rosco's comments about the Market Tavern; it's a private business, they don't have money to burn, at least they've made an effort. As for them 'only opening on limited days', in the same sentence you complain about Breaker's Bar, which is open every day! What do you want? Bars open, or bars closed? Shops are closing at an alarming rate: why? Because people don't use them. I don't know where you shop, but maybe directing your expenditure closer to home might see these shops NOT close, although like you I have little use for wool or ice cream. Moe: the sculptures you mention celebrate the history and culture of the town, which should surely be more prominent and encouraged. Bedlington was a world centre in the development of the railways, yet there's barely a mention. At least those who commissioned the works mentioned did so with this in mind. The village nearest tome here has a long-standing history of military service; you can't move an inch without being reminded of it. It's good that people are proud of the history of their town. Perhaps look for the positives next time; yes, parts of the town are run down and tired (and I'm amazed it's taken this long to notice) but others are very attractive, unique and welcoming.
Councillor Wallace - Market Place Update
mercuryg replied to Russ Wallace's topic in Talk of the Town
It is good news for the town. I await the propaganda from the Labour contingent who told me quite frankly that this would never go ahead unless i voted Labour. I answered that nothing had ever gone ahead WHEN I voted Labour. So I voted Malcolm, oops, I mean independent. On another note, things are moving ahead nicely with the expansion of the Co-oP shop at our local garage, which will mean I only have to travel a mile for bacon. -
"Eu movement of people around Europe was meant for Europeans not white South Africans" Nice attempt at a get out there Tony, put posting a picture of largely coloured people sort of eclipsed it. Perhaps the 'white South Africans' - or others from the parts of the world you think should not be allowed here - came by other means, rather than via the EU rules (well, of course they did)? Perhaps they have a skill to offer? Maybe they fancied a change? How many white South Africans are there coming over here, taking our jobs? You're comment is bizarre, and the picture you post even more so; they look like a decent enough bunch to me.