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Posts posted by sleepy

  1. The answer is actually 'Language'

    Yes, i know it does not end in 'gry', but thats not what the riddle is asking for. it states:

    Although this is worded slightly more confusingly than the origional, i'm sure that is the answer.

    spot on thank you ;)
  2. :unsure: was sent this today........ A RIDDLE THAT'LL KILL YOUR BRAIN! this is gonna make you soooooooooo MAD there are 3 words in the english language that end in gry ONE is angry ONE is hungry everyONE knows what the third ONE means and what it stands for everyONE uses them everyday and if you listened very carefully i've given you the third word ........... what is it?
  3. I loaned our telly to downstairs for a few days almost a fortnight ago now. And, despite the fact that it's only a lightweight 26" LCD, can't be a**** to go get it and plug it in again. It only just became clear that reading books and listening to internet radio on the notebook computer is far more entertaining than all the mindless drivel on TV these days.

    How long can I hold out TV'less (the first time for decades)? No idea, but when I go to get it it will probably be just to fill the empty space in the room, and certainly not because of boredom.

    What I really want now is a decent pair of Bluetooth speakers for the notebook computer.

    tell them to try morpeth freecycle.org they offer them all the time and as the title says its free all you have to do is be able to pick up ........... you could advertise on there too................. you might get the speakers you want
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