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Posts posted by sleepy

  1. The answer is Tom. The apple truck wasn't carrying any apples that day, it had been subcontracted out and had a consignment of deck chairs on board. Also, Tom had another five apples in his satchel that I forgot to mention earlier.

    rip off ...........

  2. Here's a good one that was in a newspaper quiz over the holiday. It 's not really a riddle but a kids maths question. It went something like this:

    Tom has three apples in his pocket. Mary has four apples but has eaten half of one. Tom has eaten three quarters of one of his. An apple lorry has just spilled it's contents and each child can pick up two apples per five seconds with each hand. Tom has got one hand in his pocket and Mary didn't start picking any other apples until she had eaten that half of one. It takes four minutes and thirty five seconds to eat an apple.

    Who has got the most apples after ten minutes?


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